30-Day MIND Diet Meal Plan for Cognitive Health, Created by a Dietitian

30-Day MIND Diet Meal Plan for Cognitive Health, Created by a Dietitian

About This Meal Plan:

  • This 7-day meal plan is set at 1,800 calories per day, with modifications for 1,500 and 2,000 calories. 
  • Each day provides at least 70 grams of protein and 30 grams of fiber to support healthy digestion and sustained energy levels.
  • This plan aligns with the principles of the MIND diet and limits sodium to 1,500 milligrams per day and saturated fat to 14 grams per day.

In this 30-day MIND diet meal plan for cognitive health, we map out a month of meals and recipes that can help keep your brain in tip-top shape. The MIND diet, which stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay, combines the popular Mediterranean diet with the heart-healthy DASH diet. Both of these eating plans prioritize a high intake of vegetables, fruits, fish, healthy fats, legumes and whole grains. Research links this healthy eating style with better cognitive function as we age. With three different calorie levels to choose from and meal-prep tips throughout, this nutritious eating plan can work for most people. Check it out—your brain will thank you.

Week 1

Day 1

Breakfast (295 calories)

A.M. Snack (122 calories)

Lunch (455 calories)

P.M. Snack (322 calories)

Dinner (415 calories)

Evening Snack (206 calories)

  • ¼ cup dry-roasted unsalted almonds

Daily Totals: 1,816 calories, 100g fat, 14g saturated fat, 96g protein, 154g carbohydrate, 46g fiber, 1,429mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Omit P.M. snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 2 Tbsp. almond butter to the apple at lunch.

Day 2

Breakfast (390 calories)

A.M. Snack (203 calories)

Lunch (381 calories)

P.M. Snack (147 calories)

Dinner (467 calories)

Evening Snack (131 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,781 calories, 86g fat, 14g saturated fat, 94g protein, 180g carbohydrate, 45g fiber, 1,175mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Omit A.M. snack and change P.M. snack to 1 medium orange.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add ¼ cup dry-roasted unsalted almonds to the evening snack.

Day 3

Breakfast (390 calories)

A.M. Snack (203 calories)

Lunch (381 calories)

P.M. Snack (195 calories)

Dinner (427 calories)

Evening Snack (215 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,806 calories, 95g fat, 12g saturated fat, 87g protein, 170g carbohydrate, 42g fiber, 1,306mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Reduce to ½ cup yogurt at P.M. snack and omit evening snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 1 serving Berry-Mint Kefir Smoothie to breakfast and increase to 2 Tbsp. chopped walnuts at P.M. snack.

Day 4

Breakfast (390 calories)

A.M. Snack (203 calories)

Lunch (381 calories)

P.M. Snack (219 calories)

Dinner (398 calories)

Evening Snack (218 calories)

  • ¼ cup dry-roasted unsalted shelled pistachios
  • ½ cup blueberries

Daily Totals: 1,809 calories, 81g fat, 12g saturated fat, 78g protein, 203g carbohydrate, 38g fiber, 1,717mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Change P.M. snack to 1 large pear and omit evening snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 1 serving Berry-Mint Kefir Smoothie to breakfast and add 1 medium orange to lunch.

Day 5

Breakfast (390 calories)

A.M. Snack (203 calories)

Lunch (381 calories)

P.M. Snack (241 calories)

  • ¼ cup dry-roasted unsalted almonds
  • 1 clementine

Dinner (500 calories)

Evening Snack (95 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,805 calories, 98g fat, 14g saturated fat, 89g protein, 175g carbohydrate, 43g fiber,  1,358mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Omit almonds at P.M. snack and omit evening snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 2 Tbsp. almond butter to the evening snack.

Day 6

Breakfast (295 calories)

A.M. Snack (206 calories)

  • ¼ cup dry-roasted unsalted almonds

Lunch (364 calories)

P.M. Snack (322 calories)

Dinner (496 calories)

Evening Snack (95 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,788 calories, 86g fat, 10g saturated fat, 100g protein, 169g carbohydrate, 37g fiber, 1,416mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Change P.M. snack to 1 clementine.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 2 Tbsp. almond butter to the evening snack.

Day 7

Breakfast (295 calories)

A.M. Snack (206 calories)

  • ¼ cup dry-roasted unsalted almonds

Lunch (364 calories)

P.M. Snack (305 calories)

Dinner (488 calories)

Evening Snack (131 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,789 calories, 83g fat, 11g saturated fat, 105g protein, 173g carbohydrate, 41g fiber, 1,491mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Omit P.M. snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 1 serving Pineapple Green Smoothie to breakfast and change evening snack to 1 medium orange.

Week 2

Day 8

Breakfast (358 calories)

A.M. Snack (268 calories)

Lunch (455 calories)

P.M. Snack (219 calories)

Dinner (417 calories)

Evening Snack (62 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,779 calories, 74g fat, 12g saturated fat, 79g protein, 221g carbohydrate, 50g fiber, 1,309mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Omit A.M. snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add ¼ cup dry-roasted unsalted almonds to the evening snack.

Day 9

Breakfast (346 calories)

A.M. Snack (268 calories)

Lunch (399 calories)

P.M. Snack (130 calories)

Dinner (450 calories)

Evening Snack (193 calories)

  • 1 medium apple
  • 1 Tbsp. almond butter

Daily Totals: 1,786 calories, 71g fat, 14g saturated fat, 95g protein, 207g carbohydrate, 36g fiber, 1,500mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Omit A.M. snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 1 cup nonfat plain kefir to breakfast and increase to 2 Tbsp. almond butter to the evening snack.

Day 10

Breakfast (391 calories)

A.M. Snack (130 calories)

Lunch (399 calories)

P.M. Snack (219 calories)

Dinner (550 calories)

Evening Snack (95 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,783 calories, 75g fat, 14g saturated fat, 95g protein, 203g carbohydrate, 44g fiber, 1,487mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Omit P.M. snack and change evening snack to ½ cup blueberries.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 2 Tbsp. almond butter to the evening snack.

Day 11

Breakfast (346 calories)

A.M. Snack (268 calories)

Lunch (399 calories)

P.M. Snack (274 calories)

Dinner (416 calories)

Evening Snack (84 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,786 calories, 75g fat, 12g saturated fat, 106g protein, 189g carbohydrate, 39g fiber, 1,432mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Omit A.M. snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add ¼ cup dry-roasted unsalted almonds to the evening snack.

Day 12

Breakfast (436 calories)

A.M. Snack (268 calories)

Lunch (399 calories)

P.M. Snack (215 calories)

Dinner (462 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,780 calories, 64g fat, 14g saturated fat, 108g protein, 204g carbohydrate, 30g fiber, 1,460mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Omit A.M. snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add ¼ cup dry-roasted unsalted almonds as an evening snack.

Day 13

Breakfast (358 calories)

A.M. Snack (131 calories)

Lunch (501 calories)

P.M. Snack (176 calories)

  • ¼ cup dry-roasted unsalted shelled pistachios

Dinner (541 calories)

Evening Snack (122 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,821 calories, 78g fat, 12g saturated fat, 100g protein, 196g carbohydrate, 43g fiber, 1,490mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Omit P.M. snack and evening snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 1 slice whole-wheat bread with 1 Tbsp. almond butter to breakfast.

Day 14

Breakfast (358 calories)

A.M. Snack (95 calories)

Lunch (501 calories)

P.M. Snack (274 calories)

Dinner (578 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,806 calories, 86g fat, 14g saturated fat, 101g protein, 178g carbohydrate, 38g fiber, 1,484mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Change A.M. snack to 1 medium orange and omit P.M. snack.

Week 3

Day 15

Breakfast (584 calories)

A.M. Snack (176 calories)

  • ¼ cup dry-roasted unsalted shelled pistachios

Lunch (422 calories)

P.M. Snack (227 calories)

Dinner (406 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,815 calories, 98g fat, 13g saturated fat, 95g protein, 162g carbohydrate, 41g fiber, 1,104mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Omit the orange at lunch and omit the P.M. snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Increase to 2 Tbsp. chopped walnuts at P.M. snack and add 1 serving Berry-Mint Kefir Smoothie as an evening snack.

Day 16

Breakfast (584 calories)

A.M. Snack (125 calories)

Lunch (407 calories)

P.M. Snack (35 calories)

Dinner (632 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,783 calories, 82g fat, 13g saturated fat, 82g protein, 204g carbohydrate, 35g fiber, 1,386mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Change breakfast to 1 serving Spinach & Egg Scramble with Raspberries.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add ¼ cup dry-roasted unsalted almonds as an evening snack.

Day 17

Breakfast (584 calories)

A.M. Snack (190 calories)

Lunch (407 calories)

P.M. Snack (98 calories)

  • 1 cup sliced strawberries
  • ½ cup nonfat plain kefir

Dinner (514 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,792 calories, 74g fat, 10g saturated fat, 73g protein, 234g carbohydrate, 44g fiber, 1,397mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Change breakfast to 1 serving Spinach & Egg Scramble with Raspberries.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add ¼ cup dry-roasted unsalted almonds as an evening snack.

Day 18

Breakfast (470 calories)

A.M. Snack (190 calories)

Lunch (407 calories)

P.M. Snack (131 calories)

Dinner (625 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,823 calories, 74g fat, 14g saturated fat, 109g protein, 213g carbohydrate, 42g fiber, 1,377mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Omit A.M. and P.M. snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add ¼ cup dry-roasted unsalted almonds as an evening snack.

Day 19

Breakfast (470 calories)

A.M. Snack (190 calories)

Lunch (407 calories)

P.M. Snack (215 calories)

Dinner (429 calories)

Evening Snack (105 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,822 calories, 78g fat, 12g saturated fat, 112g protein, 188g carbohydrate, 40g fiber, 1,217mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Omit P.M. and evening snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 2 Tbsp. almond butter to the evening snack.

Day 20

Breakfast (584 calories)

A.M. Snack (190 calories)

Lunch (364 calories)

P.M. Snack (215 calories)

Dinner (559 calories)

Evening Snack (53 calories)

  • 1 cup sliced strawberries

Daily Totals: 1,817 calories, 89g fat, 13g saturated fat, 101g protein, 174g carbohydrate, 30g fiber, 1,225mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Change breakfast to 1 serving Spinach & Egg Scramble with Raspberries.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add ¼ cup dry-roasted unsalted shelled pistachios to the evening snack.

Day 21

Breakfast (470 calories)

A.M. Snack (190 calories)

Lunch (364 calories)

P.M. Snack (189 calories)

  • 1 large pear
  • ½ cup nonfat plain kefir

Dinner (418 calories)

Evening Snack (193 calories)

  • 1 medium apple
  • 1 Tbsp. almond butter

Daily Totals: 1,823 calories, 72g fat, 12g saturated fat, 105g protein, 207g carbohydrate, 35g fiber, 1,442mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Omit pear at P.M. snack and omit evening snack.

Week 4

Day 22

Breakfast (358 calories)

A.M. Snack (197 calories)

  • ¼ cup dry-roasted unsalted shelled pistachios
  • ¼ cup blueberries

Lunch (422 calories)

P.M. Snack (215 calories)

Dinner (600 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,792 calories, 100g fat, 15g saturated fat, 82g protein, 161g carbohydrate, 40g fiber, 1,168mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Change A.M. snack to 1 medium apple and omit evening snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 1 slice whole-wheat bread with 1 Tbsp. almond butter to breakfast and increase to ½ cup blueberries at the A.M. snack.

Day 23

Breakfast (407 calories)

A.M. Snack (206 calories)

  • ¼ cup dry-roasted unsalted almonds

Lunch (418 calories)

P.M. Snack (215 calories)

Dinner (454 calories)

Evening Snack (105 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,806 calories, 79g fat, 12g saturated fat, 90g protein, 200g carbohydrate, 40g fiber, 1,373mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Omit A.M. snack and evening snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 2 Tbsp. almond butter to the evening snack.

Day 24

Breakfast (317 calories)

A.M. Snack (260 calories)

Lunch (418 calories)

P.M. Snack (206 calories)

  • ¼ cup dry-roasted unsalted almonds

Dinner (471 calories)

Evening Snack (135 calories)

  • ½ cup edamame, in pods
  • 1 clementine

Daily Totals: 1,807 calories, 90g fat, 14g saturated fat, 70g protein, 199g carbohydrate, 50g fiber, 1,499mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Omit P.M. snack and omit the edamame at the evening snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 1 cup nonfat plain kefir to breakfast and increase to 1 cup edamame, in pods, at evening snack.

Day 25

Breakfast (317 calories)

A.M. Snack (260 calories)

Lunch (418 calories)

P.M. Snack (206 calories)

  • ¼ cup dry-roasted unsalted almonds

Dinner (470 calories)

Evening Snack (131 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,803 calories, 82g fat, 12g saturated fat, 72g protein, 219g carbohydrate, 46g fiber, 1,335mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Omit P.M. snack and change evening snack to 1 clementine.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 1 cup nonfat plain kefir to breakfast and add ½ cup edamame, in pods, to the evening snack.

Day 26

Breakfast (407 calories)

A.M. Snack (260 calories)

Lunch (418 calories)

P.M. Snack (99 calories)

Dinner (414 calories)

Evening Snack (206 calories)

  • ¼ cup dry-roasted unsalted almonds

Meal-Prep Tip. Make 20-Minute White Bean Soup to have for lunch on days 27 through 30.

Daily Totals: 1,804 calories, 96g fat, 12g saturated fat, 70g protein, 199g carbohydrate, 46g fiber, 1,441mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Omit P.M. snack and evening snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Change P.M. snack to 1 cup sliced strawberries and add 1 serving Pan-Seared Chicken Breast to dinner. 

Day 27

Breakfast (358 calories)

A.M. Snack (260 calories)

Lunch (352 calories)

P.M. Snack (173 calories)

Dinner (639 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,782 calories, 69g fat, 11g saturated fat, 80g protein, 237g carbohydrate, 45g fiber, 1,364mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Omit A.M. snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add ¼ cup dry-roasted unsalted almonds as an evening snack.

Day 28

Breakfast (470 calories)

A.M. Snack (260 calories)

Lunch (352 calories)

P.M. Snack (122 calories)

Dinner (578 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,781 calories, 82g fat, 13g saturated fat, 95g protein, 186g carbohydrate, 42g fiber, 1,407mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Omit A.M. snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 2 Tbsp. almond butter to the apple at lunch.

Week 5

Day 29

Breakfast (358 calories)

A.M. Snack (130 calories)

Lunch (352 calories)

P.M. Snack (215 calories)

Dinner (613 calories)

Evening Snack (126 calories)

  • ¾ cup nonfat plain strained Greek-style yogurt
  • ½ cup sliced strawberries

Daily Totals: 1,794 calories, 63g fat, 12g saturated fat, 85g protein, 240g carbohydrate, 47g fiber, 1,369mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Omit P.M. snack and omit yogurt at the evening snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 2 Tbsp. almond butter to the apple at lunch.

Day 30

Breakfast (470 calories)

A.M. Snack (206 calories)

  • ¼ cup dry-roasted unsalted almonds

Lunch (352 calories)

P.M. Snack (215 calories)

Dinner (502 calories)

Evening Snack (62 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,807 calories, 96g fat, 18g saturated fat, 107g protein, 150g carbohydrate, 36g fiber, 1,159mg sodium.

Make it 1,500 calories: Omit A.M. snack and change P.M. snack to 1 medium apple.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 2 Tbsp. almond butter to the apple at lunch.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • ​​Is it OK to mix and match meals if there is one I do not like?

    If there’s a meal you don’t like, feel free to repeat a different meal in this plan or browse some of our other Mediterranean diet and Heart-Healthy recipes for additional inspiration. We did limit saturated fat and sodium, so you may want to choose a meal with a similar nutrition profile or plan to make adjustments elsewhere.

  • Can I eat the same breakfast or lunch every day?

    Yes, if it’s easier for your routine, you can eat the same breakfast or lunch every day. Each meal was chosen to follow the principles of the MIND diet, so a simple swap should work for most people.

  • Why is there not a modification for 1,200 calories?

    We no longer provide modifications for 1,200-calorie days in our meal plans. The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggests that limiting calories to 1,200 per day is too low for most people to meet their nutritional needs, plus it’s unsustainable for long-term health and well-being.

  • What is cognitive health?

    Cognitive health is just one aspect of brain health. Cognitive health, or cognitive function, refers to how well you think, learn and remember.

The MIND Diet & Cognitive Health

The two components of the MIND diet, the Mediterranean diet and DASH diet, are fairly similar. Both eating styles emphasize vegetables, fruits, legumes, fish, healthy fats and whole grains. While they’re alike in many ways, the DASH diet guidelines, which stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, has limitations on saturated fat and sodium. To follow the DASH diet guidelines and support healthy blood pressure, we limited sodium to 1,500mg per day and capped saturated fat at 14 grams per day, with an upper limit of 20 grams on days we include fatty fish, such as salmon.

Each day of this meal plan includes an average of 91 grams of protein and 41 grams of fiber. Protein is an important nutrient to prioritize as we get older, because adequate protein intake helps prevent muscle loss due to aging, which can help support balance and prevent falls. One study following nearly 50,000 female adults found that a high-protein diet in midlife, especially from plant-based proteins, with an increased likelihood of healthy aging. Fiber is another nutrient with many health benefits, including improved blood sugar levels, better heart health and a healthy gut. Fiber-rich foods include whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables.

While the MIND is linked to improved cognitive function as we age, nutrition is just one piece of the puzzle. Regular physical activity can help support healthy aging and reduce the risk of cognitive decline. In fact, research shows that inactive adults are almost twice as likely to experience cognitive decline compared to adults who regularly engage in physical activity. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that adults aim for at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity physical activity, such as a brisk walk. While any exercise is good for the brain, research links exercising outside with additional brain-boosting benefits.

How We Create Meal Plans

Registered dietitians thoughtfully create EatingWell’s meal plans to be easy-to-follow and delicious. Each meal plan meets specific parameters depending on the health condition and/or lifestyle goal it is targeting and is analyzed for accuracy using the nutrition database, ESHA Food Processor. As nutritional needs differ from person to person, we encourage you to use these plans as inspiration and adjust as you see fit. While we previously included meal plans and modifications for 1,200 calories, we no longer do. The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggests that limiting your calories to 1,200 per day is too low for most people to meet their nutritional needs, plus it’s unsustainable for long-term health and well-being.

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