4 Foods to Buy Every Week to Help Lower High Cholesterol, According to Dietitians

4 Foods to Buy Every Week to Help Lower High Cholesterol, According to Dietitians

Key Takeaways:

  • While medications may be necessary to manage high cholesterol, diet quality is equally important.
  • Oats, avocados, nuts and leafy greens may help improve cholesterol levels.
  • To support overall heart health, focus on cooking more at home, eating whole foods and staying physically active.

Approximately 25 million adults in the United States have high cholesterol, which is defined as a total cholesterol level of 240 mg/dL or higher. This is concerning, as having high cholesterol increases your risk of heart disease and metabolic syndrome. Luckily, making a few simple tweaks to your overall lifestyle can go a long way in lowering your cholesterol levels, reducing your risk of disease and helping you live a longer life. 

One of the best places to start is by paying closer attention to what you’re putting in your shopping cart. While medication is often recommended and necessary to manage cholesterol levels, good nutrition is also essential. Because certain foods have more cholesterol-lowering benefits than others, we asked dietitians to share the top four foods they recommend adding to your grocery list this week.

1. Oats 

Easy to find in most grocery stores—you can even get them in bulk at Costco—oats are a must-have pantry staple that won’t break the bank. They’re also one of the best foods for lowering cholesterol levels, thanks to their high soluble fiber content. Soluble fiber binds to cholesterol in the small intestine and prevents it from being absorbed into the bloodstream. 

Korrinna Kelly, RDN, owner of Nourish & Renew Nutrition, points out that oats are a good source of beta-glucan, “[a type of] soluble fiber that’s been extensively studied for its cholesterol-lowering properties.” One older study found that consuming 3 grams of beta-glucan from oats per day significantly lowered cholesterol levels. This benefit has since been supported by more recent reviews, including one that specifically looked at the benefits of beta-glucan intake in people with high cholesterol.

When it comes to shopping for oats, no one type is better than another. Whether you prefer the chewy consistency of steel-cut or the convenience of instant, the key is selecting oats that are free from added sugar. In addition to bumping the calorie content, diets high in added sugar can negatively affect cholesterol levels by increasing LDL or “bad” cholesterol levels and decreasing HDL or “good” cholesterol.

2. Avocados

These creamy green fruits are packed full of healthy fats, fiber and even a little protein. One avocado has about 13.5 grams of fiber—nearly half the daily recommended amount for adults.

Eating avocados daily has been shown to improve LDL cholesterol levels. Sounds expensive? Not to worry! Even just weekly consumption of avocados has been linked with a reduced risk of heart disease. 

There’s no shortage of ways to include more avocados in your weekly meals. This nutritious fruit can be added to salads, blended into smoothies, spread over toast or added to your favorite sandwich. You can even cut it in half and top it with some salt for a simple snack. Oh, and if you haven’t tried grilling avocado yet, you really should as you’re missing out on its full creamy potential. 

3. Nuts

Studies show that eating nuts regularly could help lower LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol and triglyceride levels and potentially increase HDL cholesterol. What’s more, research suggests that people who incorporate nuts into their regular diet may live longer, healthier lives.  Because each nut offers different types and amounts of nutrients, try to incorporate a variety of nuts throughout the week.

Nuts are incredibly versatile. They can be enjoyed on their own for a quick snack or added to other dishes, like salads and yogurt, for a delightful crunch.

4. Leafy Greens

Multiple studies have linked the regular consumption of leafy greens with benefits for cholesterol levels. Greens like spinach, kale and Swiss chard are packed with vitamins, minerals, soluble fiber, antioxidants and other plant compounds that help fight chronic inflammation and prevent the buildup of cholesterol in the body. 

Besides enjoying them in a salad, leafy greens can be sautéed and seasoned for a nutritious side dish, added to baked pasta dishes or blended into your morning smoothie.

What Are Optimal Cholesterol Levels?

Starting at age 20, it’s recommended that adults have their cholesterol levels checked at least once every four to six years. More frequent testing may be recommended for folks at a higher risk of heart disease, such as those with a family history of the condition.

Here are the optimal cholesterol levels for adults, according to the CDC:

  • Total cholesterol: around 150 mg/dL
  • LDL cholesterol: 100 mg/dL or less
  • HDL cholesterol: above 40 mg/dL for men and 50 mg/dL for women

It’s worth noting that while the CDC sets optimal total cholesterol at 150 mg/dL, other organizations recommend simply keeping total cholesterol below 200 mg/dL.

Other Strategies to Lower Your Cholesterol

Besides medications, there are many changes you can make to help improve your cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of heart disease. 

  • Focus on whole foods. This may not come as a surprise, but one of the best ways to support better cholesterol levels is by eating more nutrient-dense whole foods. Fill your plate with whole grains, healthy fats, lean proteins and plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables. 
  • Limit ultra-processed foods and added sugar. Highly processed foods tend to be higher in unhealthy fats, which can worsen cholesterol levels. Similarly, diets high in added sugar may negatively affect heart health. Ideally, limit added sugars to no more than 9 teaspoons per day for men and 6 teaspoons per day for women.
  • Cook more at home. “One of the most powerful lifestyle changes to reduce cholesterol levels is to prepare more of your own meals at home,” says Simran Malhotra, M.D., DipABLM, CHWC, a doctor who practices lifestyle medicine and is the founder of Wellness By LifestyleMD. New to cooking? Start with this 7-Day Cholesterol-Lowering Meal Plan for Beginners
  • Move more. Regular physical activity is good for virtually all aspects of health—including your heart. And you don’t have to lift heavy or run multiple miles to get a good workout. Walking regularly is a great way to strengthen your heart muscle without putting too much strain on your joints. To help lower cholesterol levels and improve heart health, aim to get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week.,
  • Incorporate plant sterols. Plant sterols are naturally occurring compounds found in plant foods, like vegetables, that have been shown to have a cholesterol-lowering effect., While you can get them through food, folks with high cholesterol may benefit from a supplement. Talk to your doctor about whether a plant sterol supplement might be right for you. 
  • Stop smoking and limit alcohol intake. Smoking is associated with higher cholesterol levels, so quitting as soon as possible may help get your levels down. Similarly, heavy alcohol consumption—defined as more than four or five drinks per day for women or men, respectively—is consistently linked with negative effects on LDL cholesterol and blood pressure levels. While you don’t have to give up alcohol completely, it’s recommended to limit intake to no more than one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men.

The Bottom Line

Whether you have high cholesterol or are simply trying to take preventive measures, incorporating avocados, oats, nuts and leafy greens into your regular diet is a great place to start. Of course, diet is just one piece of the puzzle. For optimal heart health, make sure to stay active throughout the day, limit alcohol intake and quit smoking—or avoid starting the habit. Unsure of what your cholesterol levels are? A great place to start is by making an appointment with your doctor to find out!

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