6 Glass Block Bathroom Ideas That Bring Retro-Charm Through This Emerging Design Trend

6 Glass Block Bathroom Ideas That Bring Retro-Charm Through This Emerging Design Trend

In case you haven’t heard already, glass blocks are back. In a big way. These translucent building blocks have been popping up in all of our favorite designers’ work, and we’re ready to bring the trend to our own homes now. And where better to begin than in the bathroom?

This is not the material’s first foray into the realm of bathroom design. Back in the 80s and 90s, when the glass block was at its peak, the material was a staple bathroom trend. Something about the diffused light, and distorted vision offered by the material made them absolutely perfect for rooms that required a bit more privacy integrated within their design. This is also why they’ve been used to form the facade of buildings, such as Paris’ famed Maison de Verre, or the striking Glass Fortress in Bangkok, which utilized an impressive 20,000 glass blocks in its construction. The material allows the interiors to be soaked in a gorgeous, natural light throughout the day, while protecting the privacy of those within.

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