6 Smells That Moths Hate to Keep Them Away For Good, According to Pest Pros

6 Smells That Moths Hate to Keep Them Away For Good, According to Pest Pros

There are a number of natural smells you can use as an alternative to mothballs to keep moths away from your home. Moths have smell aversions to a variety of strong scents including fresh citrus, woodsy cedarwood, and spicy cloves. These smells contain chemical compounds that interfere with how moths find their nesting grounds to lay eggs and how they locate their food sources, which makes them excellent deterrents.

Below you’ll find six smells recommended by pest control experts to keep moths away. The good news is they are all natural, easy to obtain, and inexpensive, plus they can be used in multiple forms, such as essential oils or homemade room sprays.

Meet the Expert

  • Tony King is a pest control expert and founder of The Pied Piper Pest Control.
  • Allan Bossel is an operations expert at Bed Bug Exterminator.
  • Ed Dolshun is the VP of business development and technical director at Catchmaster.

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