7 Companion Plants You Should Always Grow With Tomatillos for Richer, Healthier Harvests
Feifei Cui-Paoluzzo / Getty Images
The gardeners we consulted agree that basil is one of the best companion plants for tomatillos.
“Not only does basil pair perfectly with fresh tomatillos, but it also helps keep tomato hornworms at bay—those little guys love to chomp on tomatillo leaves,” says Adam Weiss of Pike Lane Gardens.
If you love pesto like he does, Weiss recommends that you plant Genovese basil as a tomatillo companion.
Sara Rubens agrees that basil is a great, natural insect repellent: “Basil, with its strong scent, can repel hornworms and whiteflies.”
Basil also attracts beneficial insects, says Lucie Bradley, a gardener at Easy Garden Irrigation.
“Ladybirds, lacewings, and parasitic wasps will happily consume aphids, thrip larvae, caterpillars, and more—all of which would otherwise damage your tomatillos.”
Duplicate growing conditions when growing basil with tomatillos, adds Bradley.
“Basil can be sown simultaneously as you transplant your tomatillos and will respond well to the same growing conditions, mainly consistent moisture, warm temperatures, and full sun.”
Both plants will need sufficient space to grow. Ideally, leave an 8- to 12-inch space between plants. As the basil grows, its smaller stature will fill the bare soil around the taller tomatillos, helping to suppress weeds.