7 Household Items You Should Replace Way More Often, Decluttering Experts Say
Unfortunately, there are some kinds of household items that simply will not last for more than a couple of years, no matter how good you are at taking care of your belongings. While you know to part ways with items that look and feel dirty, there are other things that you may forget to cycle out, particularly if they seem to function just fine.
Here, three professional organizers comment on seven common types of household items that you will want to toss relatively frequently to keep your home clean, sanitary, and aesthetically pleasing for the long haul.
Dish Towels
Kinga Krzeminska / Getty Images
If you use the same dish towel every day to rinse your hands and wipe down the countertops and can’t remember the last time you swapped it out, consider this a wake -p call. According to Michaele Tocco, the founder of Michaele’s Precise Planning, you should actually be washing your dish towels every couple of days.
If you can’t do laundry that frequently, it’s smart to keep a big stack of towels on hand to rotate out throughout the week. Tuck them in a drawer inside of your kitchen island or keep them in a small basket on top of your refrigerator for easy accessibility.
While many dish towels will last for years on end, they will need to be replaced eventually after too much use over time. Tocco recommends replacing your towels if they are looking stained or overly worn. Keep in mind that old dish towels can make for great rags to use while cleaning the house or washing your car, so even if yours aren’t looking super pretty these days, you can still stash them in the garage to keep them handy for these types of chores.
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Shower Curtains and Liners
Don’t get too attached to that pretty new shower curtain you just picked up—it turns out that you will only want to be displaying it for six months to a year, max, Tocco says, noting that curtains and their inner liners are prone to mold and mildew.
“Washing them regularly can help, but if you notice stubborn stains or an odor, it’s best to replace them,” she says.
Kitchen Sponges
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The next time you’re at the store and spot a large pack of kitchen sponges, be sure to stock up. According to Tocco, you should be tossing out your sponge and replacing it with a new one every one to two weeks.
While she notes that microwaving and disinfecting sponges is one way to maintain them, she explains that even this practice will not fully rid your sponges of bacteria over time. Those looking for a longer-lasting solution may wish to turn to silicone scrubbers, Tocco adds.
Cutting Boards
Kinga Krzeminska / Getty Images
Even that beautiful wood cutting board you paid a pretty penny for isn’t going to last forever—though it will serve you for a lot longer than the aforementioned kitchen items.
“Over time, cutting boards can warp, crack, or develop deep grooves that harbor bacteria,” Kimberly Hairston-Neal, the founder of The Modern Steward, says.
Depending on how often you use them, you should plan to replace your cutting boards every five to 10 years, she explains.
Pillow Inserts
Sure, you make a habit of washing your pillowcases every week or so, but when was the last time you paid much attention to your inserts?
If you haven’t gotten new ones in a couple of years, make an effort to do so. Sarah Anthony, the founder of Organize & Design, suggests replacing pillow inserts every one to two years so that they do not appear flat. Flat pillows, she says make for a tired and worn out-looking home.
Flat pillows are going to be less comfortable to sleep on or lean against, too. You might be surprised as to what a simple insert refresh can do to make your space feel a bit more cozy.
Reusable Water Bottle Straws and Lids
While reusable water bottles are designed to last for years on end, their straws and lids have a shorter lifespan, Tocco explains. She recommends replacing these every one to three months given that even a good washing cannot fully remove the buildup of mold or bacteria.
To ensure these water bottle parts last as long as possible, Tocco advises washing them in hot, soapy water daily.
Under-Sink Storage Bins
When it comes to the kitchen and bathroom in particular, storage bins often take a beating—Tocco notes that they are susceptible to water damage, stains, and mold.
“Checking and replacing them every couple of years ensures your storage remains clean and functional,” she says.