How to Organize Your Entryway on Nearly Any Budget

7 Tips to Help You Start a Digital Declutter

S T U D I O 8 Architect
1. Clean Up Your In-Box

Keeping your email accounts as clutter-free as possible may improve your productivity and efficiency. Also, a continuous stream of unwanted emails can camouflage and push down important emails that are actually relevant and need your attention.

Take steps to stop the sources of spam and junk emails rather than merely deleting them. You can start by unsubscribing from legitimate company emails that you didn’t sign up for or no longer want. If you’re unsure of a sender’s legitimacy, opt to mark the email as spam and block the sender to prevent future communication.

You may also receive excess emails from senders you like or need, such as retail email marketing, magazine or news subscriptions or shipping confirmations. You won’t want to unsubscribe from these emails but you may want to delete outdated ones.

To streamline the process, focus on one sender at a time. For example, search for the newsletter you subscribe to. If you have accrued many in your inbox, you may be able to select them all, perhaps with the exception of the latest edition, and delete them en masse. Deleting by sender may save you time by not having to sort through various unrelated emails and deciding one by one.

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