5 Things Pro Organizers Immediately Notice When They Enter a Tidy Home
Have you ever wondered what professional organizers notice as soon as they enter a tidy home? To find out, we tapped Laura Cattano, a professional organizer and founder of Laura Cattano Organizational Design, to share her professional insight and tips for creating a space that’s organized and neat.
Cattano explains the terms “organized” and “neat”, defining the first as knowing what you have and where to find it, and the second as arranging things in an aesthetically pleasing way. Cattano also shares the top things she immediately notices when she enters a tidy home. Keep reading to hear more in-depth insight from an industry professional, so you know what to look out for.
Meet the Expert
Laura Cattano, a professional organizer and founder of Laura Cattano Organizational Design,
No Messy Piles
One of the first things Cattano immediately notices when she enters a tidy home is the fact that there are no messy piles of things to be sorted through. Whether it’s heaps of mail on a counter or store bags lying around, you won’t notice any random piles that are tucked away.
To prevent messy piles from cluttering your home, go through mail and new purchases before they add up, pitch or donate whatever is not needed or never used, and incorporate proper and adequate storage to house everything.
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No Store Labels and Tags
It may not seem like a big deal, but a small store tag that hasn’t been removed can cheapen and mess up an entire room. Cattano says.
“For the love of all that is holy, take the sticker off things when you buy them, including the safety tags on lamp cords.”
Make sure to remove any sticky residue left behind by sticker labels to prevent dust and grime from latching on.
Items in Cabinets and Drawers Are Easily Accessible
A tidy home is not just about rooms looking organized on the surface, but about the interiors of cabinets and drawers being neatly organized, too.
As a professional organizer, Cattano advises that you keep items inside cabinets and drawers easily accessible at all times. This way, you’ll be able to clearly see what’s inside and access things without things falling out or having to rearrange the entire shelf or drawer to pull something out or put it away, Cattano says.
To prevent closed storage such as shelves and drawers from becoming messy, edit them periodically, and incorporate organizational tools such as dividers and storage bins which keep things contained and easy to see and access. To go the extra mile, consider labeling all bins so you’re not constantly digging around for what you’re looking for.
Proper Hangers
If you want your home to look tidy, Cattano says you should avoid having a mismatched bundle of plastic, wire, wood, and different colored hangers in your closet.
“While I don’t believe that all hangers should match, I believe they should be the right ones for what you’re hanging”, she says.
Not only will this help streamline your closet, but it will protect your garments from being stretched out, slipping off, or damaged.
“For instance, if you use the popular felt slim hangers for your clothes, they’re not meant for heavier jackets and coats, they’re better on wood hangers”, Cattano explains.
The Energy
A home’s energy is one of the first things Cattano says she notices when she walks into a space.
“No matter the decor style, a clean and well-edited considered home has a calming and bright energy that can be felt consciously or subconsciously by all”, she says.
To create a calm and bright energy in your home, avoid clutter that can make the space feel chaotic, incorporate a good mix of open and closed storage, and allow plenty of natural light to flood in. Additionally, having a set cleaning and organizing routine will help you keep on track with your home’s clutter whether it be once a week or 20 minutes a day to focus on one area of your home.