This Is the Most Hated Chore in the US—But Our Method Makes It So Easy

This Is the Most Hated Chore in the US—But Our Method Makes It So Easy

While the idea of spring cleaning so you have a spotless, organized home in time for warmer weather is appealing, actually doing the work isn’t so enticing. But out of all the chores homeowners dread tackling, there is one that is most hated—cleaning the carpets, according to a new report by Yelp.

When looking at searches on Yelp for common household tasks in 2024, the website found that cleaning carpets was often something people sought professional help for. And for good reason—carpets take the brunt of the daily activity in your home, building up with hard-to-clean crumbs, dirt, stains, and odors.

Even if your carpet looks like a lost cause, you can refresh it with cleaning supplies you likely already have on hand. Rather than hiring a professional, consider our straightforward method for cleaning your carpet at home.

Clean New Stains First

Tackle fresh stains quickly so they don’t set in. Start by blotting any excess liquid with a dry cloth. Then, create a homemade mixture of 3 tablespoons of dish soap, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, and 2 cups of water. Apply the stain remover to a cloth and blot the carpet until the stain lifts.

Spot Clean Old Stains

Using a 2:1 mixture of hydrogen peroxide and dish soap will lift stains that have been there for some time. First, dampen the stain with water and blot with a cloth. Then, apply the stain remover to a cloth and blot the carpet until the stain lifts.

Use a Carpet Steamer

If you have a carpet steamer, you can use it to lift stains, dirt, and other debris. Start at the furthest point of the carpet and slowly work your way to the other side until you’ve covered the entire carpet. The heat from the appliance will remove both old and new stains.

Remove Odors

If your carpet has lingering smells, baking soda is an effective deodorizer. Just sprinkle baking soda on the carpet and let it sit for 30 minutes or longer before going over the area with a vacuum.

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