Revealed: People With These Careers Are Now Considered the "Most Dateable"

Revealed: People With These Careers Are Now Considered the “Most Dateable”

If you still have a ‘type’ in 2025, may I kindly ask that you cut it out? With app algorithms running the show and in-person meet-cutes becoming a rarity, dating is hard enough without limiting yourself to one kind of person. When “looking for a man in finance” started to trend on TikTok, I honestly couldn’t believe the traction. Not only did it encourage being excruciatingly specific, but it disregarded all of the other smart, driven, successful suitors on the market with alternative careers. Have we learned nothing from unexpected pairs like Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce or Kylie Jenner and Timothée Chalamet? Broadening your horizons can lead to the best surprises.

In a recent survey conducted by The League, men and women agreed that the most “datable” careers have far less to do with the money that comes with them or the stereotyped look of the person who works them—like a 6’5 finance bro with blue eyes and a trust fund, for example. So if you’re looking for someone to sweep you off your feet or, at the very least, be wholesome enough to bring around your family, we are sharing which careers were deemed the most dateable and how careers overall are impacting today’s daters.

How your career impacts your dating life

It’s safe to say that most of us aim for work-life balance. This doesn’t mean that our careers don’t affect our personal lives from time to time though—for better or worse. Whether you work long hours and don’t always make it home for dinner or have a stressful job that affects your mood more than you’d care to admit, work makes up a large part of our lives and can easily affect our relationships.

I used to tell myself that I could never date a lawyer on the sheer fact that they “lie for a living.” I didn’t take into account the demands of their job, such as long hours spent at the office preparing for trial and the pressure to make partner. But I also never considered how infectious their passion for their job could be or how inspired I could become watching them make a difference in their community. Every job comes with its highs and lows, and they are important to consider when dating someone.

“40 percent of respondents said they want their potential partners to have a passion for what they’re doing.”

In The League’s survey, respondents said they want their potential partners to have a passion for what they’re doing (40%), but they also want them to prioritize a work-life balance (34%). It’s a delicate dance, to say the least. With these things in mind, as well as things like finances, potential relocation, and safety, some careers, according to respondents, make potential partners more or less desirable than others.

The most dateable careers by industry

1. Healthcare

Beating out all other careers for the “most dateable” are careers in healthcare. This is because of the “financial security, intelligence, and caregiving” nature that being in healthcare requires, explains Rachel DeAlto, Dating Expert at The League. So, even though their job can be stressful, doctors, nurses, therapists, and the like are the most attractive partners, according to respondents.

2. Education

Teachers, aids, and tutors—we’re looking at you! People who work in education are patient, empathetic, and have a passion for learning and growing—all great qualities found in a partner. Not to mention, they usually have a pretty great work-life balance, thanks to school schedules. Think about it: You can take a trip together over the summer and not have to worry about both of your PTO requests getting approved.

3. Emergency response

Courageous, dependable, and brave, firefighters, EMTs, and ER doctors and nurses came in at number three for the most dateable. Their ability to stay calm under pressure, plus their sense of compassion, can bring stability and trust to relationships.

“56 percent of respondents said that it’s important that their partner has the same career values that they do.”

4. Law

Forget what I said earlier about lawyers because apparently, those in law (police officers, detectives, and more) made this list. Sure, their jobs are high stakes and their days are long, but they are considered loyal, protective, and committed. You can count on them any day of the week, and that’s what matters most.

5. Business

Those in business careers (think marketing and sales) are often ambitious, financially stable, and strong communicators. We love that! However, be aware that they can have a hard time shutting off work. If they can balance their life and work (and not take calls during dinner), you’ve got a winner.

6. Science

Pharmacists, chemists, and researchers don’t get enough credit. Thanks to their intelligence, problem-solving skills, curiosity, and passion for learning, they are considered the sixth most dateable. Their careers often offer stability and a solid work-life balance, plus their passion for discovery can keep conversations interesting and intellectually stimulating.

7. Tech

With a passion for problem-solving, innovation, and creativity, those in tech are arguably the best at finding solutions to everyday problems—which is a pretty great skill to have in a partnership. Even though they’ve been down the worst in the world of layoffs, they are typically smart with their money and adaptable, so you don’t have to worry about their ability to bounce back—or them asking you to pick up every happy hour tab.

“28 percent of respondents said they want a partner who is dedicated to constantly learning and improving.”

8. Finance

So the finance bros made the top eight, and honestly, I get why. They are goal-oriented, which can bring a strong sense of direction to a relationship. Not to mention, they are financially savvy, bringing stability to their life and futures. If you don’t mind long work hours and are motivated by hard-working people, looking for someone in finance could actually be a good idea.

Why your career values, not your title, matter the most

When it comes down to it, your job industry or your title are not nearly as important as what you value. In fact, 56 percent of respondents said that it’s important that their partner has the same career values that they do. For example, 28 percent of people want a partner who is dedicated to constantly learning and improving, and 20 percent want a partner who desires to have a positive impact on society or other people. These qualities define a person more than their role or the accolades listed on their Linkedin profile.

According to DeAlto, “When partners share similar aspirations and value the same things in life, they’re better equipped to support and understand each other.” So, instead of swooning over someone’s fancy job or big salary, look toward what they value. That is what matters the most—and what will reflect in your relationship.


Hailey Bouche, Associate Editor

As an Associate Editor for The Everygirl, Hailey Bouche oversees, writes, and edits content across various categories on the site. From the pitching stage through publishing, she works alongside the team to ensure that the content that our readers see every day is inspiring, relatable, and timely.

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