45-Minute Minimal Cues Practice for When You Want to Move in Relative Quiet
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Minimal cues yoga practices are among the most commonly requested classes I hear about from followers. Minimal cues means I’m simply saying the name of the pose. I’m not giving you any other instructions during your practice. There’s less talking from me, more introspection for you.
The following 45-minute yoga practice is a challenging intermediate sequence for stretching, strengthening, and balancing, specifically the hip flexors, the shoulders, and core. It’s a slower-paced practice so you have the opportunity to feel into your body, see how the pose works on you, and explore during your time on the mat. For those who want to explore an arm balance, it includes the option to come into Forearm Stand. The last few minutes of the practice are an unwinding cool down to release, including supine twists and reclined poses.
So rely on this minimal cues yoga class to tune into your practice and stay in the present moment. Consider it a yoga class for introspection.
45-Minute Minimal Cues Yoga Practice
These minimal cue yoga classes are designed for experienced yoga practitioners and yoga teachers, not because the poses are necessarily complicated but because you need to be familiar with the proper alignment of each pose since there aren’t any cues.
Stay in each pose for 3 to 5 breaths.
Take 10 breaths here to set your intention.

Reclined Twist
Reach your arms overhead and stretch. Then draw your right knee toward your chest and twist to the left.

Half Happy Baby

Reclined Pigeon Pose

Bridge Pose
Repeat the sequence on your left side:
Reclined Twist
Half Happy Baby
Reclined Pigeon Pose
Bridge Pose



Downward-Facing Dog

Three-Legged Dog Hip Stretch Right Leg

Low Lunge

Reverse Low Lunge

Easy Twist or Revolved Lunge

Side Plank

Side Forearm Plank Other Side

Forearm Plank


Thread the Needle Right Arm Up
Vinyasa (Optional)

Downward Dog
Repeat the sequence on your left side:
Downward Dog
Three-Legged Dog
Low Lunge
Reverse Low Lunge
Easy Twist or Revolved Lunge (Back Knee Lifts)
Side Plank
Side Forearm Plank Other Side
Forearm Plank
Thread the Needle Left Arm Up
Vinyasa (Optional)
Downward Dog

Three-Legged Dog

Runner’s Lunge

Wide-Legged Fold (Facing the Left Side of the Mat)

Runner’s Lunge

High Lunge

Reverse High Lunge

Prayer Twist

Low Lunge Prayer Twist

Half Splits

Low Lunge Quad Stretch
Vinyasa (Optional)

Downward Dog
Repeat the sequence on your left side:
Three-Legged Dog
Runner’s Lunge
Wide-Legged Fold (Facing the Right Side of the Mat)
Runner’s Lunge
High Lunge
Reverse High Lunge
Prayer Twist
Low Lunge Prayer Twist
Half Splits
Low Lunge Quad Stretch
Vinyasa (Optional)
Downward Dog

Right Leg Up Warrior 2

Reverse Warrior

Extended Side Angle

Easy Twist or Revolved Lunge (Facing the Right)

Side Plank or Wild Thing

Runner’s Lunge

Pyramid Pose

Rise Up Tree Pose (Left Leg Lifts)

Chair Pose

Boat Pose
Vinyasa (Optional)

Downward Dog
Repeat the sequence on your left side:
Left Leg Up Warrior 2
Reverse Warrior
Extended Side Angle
Easy Twist or Revolved Lunge (Facing the Left)
Side Plank or Wild Thing
Runner’s Lunge
Pyramid Pose
Rise Up Tree Pose (Right Leg Lifts)
Chair Pose
Boat Pose
Vinyasa (Optional)
Downward Dog

Walk Forward Rag Doll

Roll Up Mountain Pose

Eagle (Stand on your Right Leg)

Warrior 3 Eagle Arms

Standing Splits

Runners Lunge

Lizard Pose (Any Variation)

Dolphin Pose or Forearm Stand

Child’s Pose (Any Variation)
Vinyasa (Optional)

Downward Dog
Repeat the sequence on your left side:
Walk Forward Rag Doll
Roll up Mountain Pose
Eagle (Stand on your Left Leg)
Warrior 3 Eagle Arms
Standing Splits
Runners Lunge
Lizard Pose (Any Variation)
Dolphin Pose or Forearm Stand
Child’s Pose (Any Variation)
Vinyasa (Optional)
Downward Dog

Seated Forward Fold

Seated Twist (Cross Your Right Leg Over)

Cow Face Pose (With or Without Eagle Arms)
Seated Twist (Other Side)
Cow Face Pose (Other Side)

Happy Baby

Hamstring Stretch With Your Right Leg
Switch Legs

Reawaken from your full relaxation and take a big stretch. Roll to one side. Pause here. Begin to lift up, taking a seat. Pause here. Thank you for doing this minimal cues yoga practice with me.