Meet The Oldest Living Llama, A Heartwarming Hero At Camp For Sick Kids

Meet The Oldest Living Llama, A Heartwarming Hero At Camp For Sick Kids

A snow-colored llama who spends his days delighting sick children has just claimed a world record.

Dove Oaks Whitetop – known as “Whitetop” – has just been named the oldest living llama in captivity at nearly 28 years old. 

For nearly two decades, Whitetop has been a staple at Victory Junction, a camp in Randleman, North Carolina for chronic and terminally ill children. 

The camp, founded by NASCAR legend Kyle Petty in honor of his late son Adam, gives a free and medically accessible camp experience to chronically ill children. Located in Randleman, North Carolina, Victory Junction’s 84 acres includes rock climbing, a race track, and a giant barnyard where Whitetop lives. 

Llamas aren’t typically known for their calm and friendly demeanor, but Whitetop is the exception.

As part of the Animal Adventure Program, Whitetop spends his days laying down allowing children to pet, groom and take pictures with him and he rarely ever spits. 

“He is so good with our campers,” Billie Jo Davis, the Barn Director at Victory Junction told the Guinness World Book of Records.  

“He’ll just lay there and he lets kids run up to him and love on him.”

Whitetop doesn’t shy away from pictures either – and his handlers said the snow-colored llama loves taking selfies with his fans, nuzzling head next to theirs.

To the other animals he lives with – nine horses, two goats, two rabbits, two donkeys and one cow – Whitetop is like the elder statesman of the barn.  His pasture mates are two miniature donkeys named Jed and Jethro and his best friend is Gus-Gus, a miniature highland cow. 

According to Victory Farm, who plans on celebrating Whitetop’s world record with a small celebration and a bucket of his favorite meal, the secret of Whitetop’s long life is simple.

“Give them a job that they love, good vet care, and lots of love, and they will live past your wildest dreams.”

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