Your Bank Account This Week, According To A Tarot Reader
If you’re feeling a little shaken up heading into this week, you’re probably not alone. A powerful lunar eclipse in Virgo threw a lot of people some curveballs over the weekend, and Mercury retrograde officially entered the chat 24 hours later, bringing its infamous mental mix-ups and communication clashes into the picture.
But energy is shifting positively this week, as the sun enters the trailblazing fire sign of Aries on March 20, heralding the spring equinox and the astrological new year. While this week’s money tarot reading still highlights some lingering stressors, it also promises exciting new beginnings that bode well for a fresh season ahead. Silver linings are all around and springtime rainbows are just around the corner.
If you’re feeling the pressure when it comes to finances and career matters right now, check out the cards I pulled this week to guide you through it.
Card 1: What do you need to know about your finances this week?
Inspiration has struck — and hopefully the results will look good on your bank account! The start of the Aries season and the astrological new year is bringing a much-needed spark of motivation this week, and the Page of Wands is the perfect representation of this refreshing and fiery energy boost.
Expect to be hit with some exciting ideas that have the potential to boost your income and revitalize your desire to stack cash. New ventures could start unfolding, and you’ll probably feel more enthusiastic about pursuing new things, even if you’re unsure how to go about them.
On that note, this card is also an important sign to start exploring the things you’re passionate about — whether that means brainstorming ways to monetize a hobby or signing up for a course to help you transition into a more lucrative field. Sometimes money matters can be a drag, but this optimistic tarot figure reminds you that you can and should find joy in the hustle.
Card 2: How can you feel less anxious about money?

When you’re out in the dark with only the moonlight to illuminate your path, it’s easy for your eyes to play tricks on you and it’s hard not to fear what might be hiding in the shadows. With the Moon card present this week, that may very well be how you feel about your fiscal situation.
This tarot luminary is all about things being hidden out of view — so if you’re feeling like things are “off” without having a reason, worrying about expenses that pop up, or just struggling to see things clearly, allow those feelings to exist without judgment. Don’t stress yourself out over nothing, of course, but sometimes anxiety can be useful. Perhaps your intuition is onto something your conscious mind hasn’t quite figured out yet.
While it never feels good to be anxious about money, consider that your current gut feelings might actually be there to protect you. Without that uncomfortable feeling in the pit of your stomach, you might act a little more carelessly with your cash — but right now, taking things slow and listening to your inner voice will serve you best. You may not have a clear picture of how to move forward on something financial, so give things time to unfold before setting anything in stone.
Card 3: What will impact your career this week?

This week kicked off on the heels of an intense total lunar eclipse as well as the start of the year’s first Mercury retrograde period — so if having a head full of racing thoughts winds up impacting your professional life this week, it should come as no surprise.
The Nine of Swords depicts someone sitting up in bed, unable to sleep due to all the stress they’re dealing with. So this week, you may find that you’re especially burdened with career-related worries or are overwhelmed by having so much to keep track of at work.
Fortunately, when this card is present, it usually indicates that the scenarios you’re building up in your head are worse than things are, so check yourself before you get lost in a spiral of catastrophic thoughts. You have more control over what’s happening in your career than you think you do, so if you find yourself diving into worst-case scenarios, find ways to regulate your nervous system. Perhaps this means getting your to-do list organized, talking to a friend who can offer some perspective, or doing extra self-care to help you chill.
Nina Kahn is Bustle’s resident astrologer and tarot reader.
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