We Tested 150+ New Cleaning Products for Our Annual Clean House Awards—These Are the Winners

We Tested 150+ New Cleaning Products for Our Annual Clean House Awards—These Are the Winners

Want to know our dirty secret? Our houses are a mess. But that’s OK—we love to clean! Each year, our editors turn their homes into testing zones, and this year, it was no different.

For our fifth annual Clean House Awards, we tested more than 150 new products, swapping out our go-tos to discover fresh favorites. We made messes, cleaned them up, then discussed what worked and what didn’t. (You won’t believe the number of times we discussed dish soap dispensers and spray nozzles.) These are the 50 best laundry products, surface cleaners, kitchen and bath scrubbers, and more to keep your home clean in 2025.

Best Bathroom Cleaners

These deep and daily cleaners make one of the grossest places in your house more manageable.

Best Dish Products

Stuck-on food was no match for these tools. After-dinner cleanup has never been so easy.

Best Surface Cleaners

What’s your cleaning pain point? Windows? Kitchen counters? Dust bunnies? Whether you want to make the chore easier or have an almost empty bottle and want to try something new, we’ve got you.

Best Floor Cleaners

These tools got our floors so clean we could almost eat off them (though we don’t recommend it!).

Best Products for Pet Messes

Pet parents know: Removing stains, odors, and fur is part of the job. But it doesn’t have to be a grind. These winners prove that. More belly rubbing, less scrubbing.

Best Specialty Tools

Jump-start your deep-clean with tools that tackle the tasks you may have been avoiding—or couldn’t quite reach. 

Best Laundry Products

We churned out load after load of laundry to address a plethora of stains and smells. Rinse, fluff, repeat.

How We Tested

More than 20 editors turned into cleaning critics to test the efficacy, price, and ease of use of more than 150 cleaning products released in the past two years. We tested new products as a one-to-one replacement for best-loved cleaners and made some messes to experiment with potential challenges.

This year, we went a step further to test products head-to-head. We categorized each product, then had an editor test every product in that category. For example, one editor tested every single laundry product (and did more than 20 loads of laundry!), while another tester had an army of robot vacs cleaning their home. Each product was tested by at least two testers, who submitted reviews, answered questions, and compared notes.

We also turned a conference room into a laboratory to put our multi-purpose cleaners, glass cleaners, and vacuums to the test. We used the multi-purpose cleaners on ketchup, syrup, wine, peanut butter, melted cheese, and even raw eggs, letting the stains sit overnight. We ran each spray, plus a control of water, through the test with a sponge, paper towel, and microfiber cloth and counted how many wipes it took for each product to clean the mess. We tested glass cleaners similarly but with toothpaste, oil, and makeup smears. For vacuums, we tested the efficacy of removing dirt, popcorn kernels, crushed and whole cereal, sprinkles, and, our favorite nightmare spill: glitter. We weighed out these messes, put them on the floor, and did one back-and-forth motion. To see how much each vacuum picked up, we emptied the canister onto a scale and computed the percentage of the mess that was vacuumed up.

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