A 'White Lotus' Easter Egg May Predict The Ratliff Kids' Fates

A ‘White Lotus’ Easter Egg May Predict The Ratliff Kids’ Fates

The White Lotus is often filled with symbols and clues that bypass most viewers until after the mystery is solved, and Season 3 will likely be no exception. Between two ongoing murder plots and a robbery that’s yet to be solved, writer-creator Mike White has probably hidden Easter eggs that point toward the culprits, the victims, and where all the characters end up.

However, some viewers on social media have already started investigating Season 3 episodes, and found some potential symbolism in the very first glimpse of the Ratliff family children — oldest son Saxon (Patrick Schwarzeneggar), middle daughter Piper (Sarah Catherine Hook), and youngest son Lochlan (Sam Nivola) — which could spell out their fates.

Episode 1’s Hidden Symbolism

On the famous boat ride from the airport to the White Lotus resort, the Ratliff kids are all in their own world. Saxon looks like he’s enjoying the view with oversized shades, while Piper seems to be tuning out the noise with giant headphones, and Lochlan is just drinking a beer bottle, hiding his emotional state.


Some eagle-eyed Reddit fans pointed out that the siblings’ actions and expressions match perfectly with the Japanese and Buddhist parable “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil,” as demonstrated by the Three Wise Monkeys. The mantra seems to match each kid’s storyline and personality trait.

As pointed out by another fan, Saxon “follows his father blindly” (who is secretly embroiled in a financial fraud scandal) and adheres to societal expectations of masculinity, which he tries to impose on Lochlan. As seen on the March 23 episode, this leads to a drunken sexual encounter, which he attempts to erase from memory, further underscoring his tendency to “see no evil.”

Meanwhile, Piper blocks concerns about her plans to live at a Thai monastery and thinks she’s the only one who’s “correct.” Lochlan is “observant and learning,” but he seems torn between his siblings’ worldviews and hasn’t found his voice.

How Would This Predict Their Fate?

The Ratliff family on 'The White Lotus'

Fabio Lovino/HBO

Naturally, the viewers who agreed with this analogy also thought this symbolism would predict their fate.

“I think it [symbolizes] their individual weak points that will catalyze their downfalls,” one user wrote. Their downfalls are yet to be determined, but it could be as simple as Piper getting the happy ending some viewers want, only to realize that it’s not what she imagined, while Saxon and Lochlan confront their taboo activities.

However, as another viewer predicted, this image could signify how all three siblings benefit from their father’s wealth “while turning a blind eye to how he got it and what it takes to keep it.” If Timothy ends up getting arrested for his crimes, their downfalls would be simultaneous.

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