All Bonsai Trees Are Beautiful, but Each Type Has Its Own Distinct Charm —These Are 6 of Our Favorites

All Bonsai Trees Are Beautiful, but Each Type Has Its Own Distinct Charm —These Are 6 of Our Favorites

Choosing the right types of bonsai trees is key to growing them successfully. If you’re looking for suggestions for growing indoors, it’s worth knowing that tropical and sub-tropical tree species can be kept in the home, whereas temperate trees (those found in forests) can only be grown outdoors.

Good choices for ornamental types of bonsai trees that, like an indoor environment, are ficus and jade. If you plan on keeping your bonsai outdoors, your options are greater depending on your local climate. Juniper, Japanese maple and Chinese elm are all a good place to start. Some of these miniature beauties can be tricky to grow, though, so finding out how to care for bonsai trees is the key to your success. Different types of bonsai trees can also be categorized in terms of the broadleaf evergreen varieties that keep their leaves all year round, and deciduous ones that shed leaves in fall.

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