Allergy proofing your home for sneezy season

Allergy proofing your home for sneezy season

Springtime is one of the loveliest seasons, but as trees blossom and we look up to the skies, their pollen permeates the air – kick-starting classic allergy symptoms such as sneezing fits and itchy eyes.

On top of that, common allergens like dust mites, pet dander and mould spores – not to mention pollen from open windows – can build up indoors, making life miserable for allergy sufferers.

The good news? With a few simple cleaning strategies and smart habits, you can reduce allergens, create a healthier home, and breathe easier every day!

Here, This Morning’s Queen of Clean and home expert Lynsey Crombie (@lynsey_queenofclean) shares her top tips to allergy-proof your home effectively…

Regular and effective dusting

“Dusting is essential in keeping allergens at bay,” highlights Crombie. “Whilst dry dusting is good and can help, damp dusting is far more effective at capturing dust – rather than just dispersing it into the air and pushing it around.”

She says to ensure you dust with a good-quality microfibre cloth. Moreover, when damp dusting, only dampen the cloth slightly for wiping down surfaces. “This way it will trap particles, rather than allowing them to resettle elsewhere.”

Don’t forget the hard-to-reach areas

As Crombie points out, dust can accumulate on skirting boards, bookshelves, and light fixtures. She suggests using a vacuum nozzle for these hard-to-reach areas, as well as on furniture to remove settled dust.

“A lint roller works surprisingly well on lampshades, picking up fine dust particles that often go unnoticed,” adds Crombie.

“Plus a recycled make-up brush is perfect for delicately dusting intricate items such as fake flowers, plant leaves, light bulbs and delicate ornaments.”

Vacuuming the right way

Investing in a vacuum with a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter is one of the best things you can do for an allergy-proof home, insists Crombie.

“HEPA filters trap fine particles, including dust mites, pet dander, and pollen, rather than releasing them back into the air.

“Regular vacuuming (at least three to four times a week) is crucial for maintaining an allergen-free space, especially those high-traffic areas such as home entrances where shoes, handbags and coats can bring pollen allergies in with them,” advises Crombie.

And don’t forget to vacuum in all directions when vacuuming floors and carpets, says the cleaning expert. “Go north to south and east to west, this way you’re getting into the carpet pile and picking up all allergies.”

She also says to pull out large pieces of furniture such as sofas and beds. “Dust and debris tend to settle in these hidden areas and can aggravate allergies when disturbed.”

“Soft furnishings, such as curtains and upholstery, should also be vacuumed regularly to remove embedded allergens – you can use your vacuum nozzle for this.”

Wash soft furnishings

Wash cushion covers, throws, and curtains regularly on a hot cycle to remove dust mites and pet dander, advises Crombie.

Declutter regularly

“Piles of books, clothes, and decorative items collect dust, trap pet dander, and make cleaning much harder,” underlines Crombie. “The more clutter you have, the more places allergens can settle, leading to sneezing, congestion, and irritation.

“Keep surfaces as clear as possible – the less clutter, the easier it is to clean!”

Mattress and bedding

Your mattress and bedding can harbour dust mites and allergens, so regular cleaning is essential, emphasises Crombie. “Vacuuming your mattress every few weeks helps remove dust, skin flakes, and other debris that can trigger allergies.”

She also says to use good-quality hypoallergenic mattress and pillow protectors, which create a barrier against dust mites and other irritants.

“Wash your bedding, including sheets, pillowcases, and duvets, at least once a week in hot water (60°C or higher) to kill dust mites effectively,” advises Crombie.

Steam cleaning for allergy prevention

“Steam cleaning is one of my favourite ways to clean, and an excellent way to eliminate allergens without the need for harsh chemicals,” she enthuses.

“The high temperature of steam effectively breaks down dirt, dust and odours, while keeping allergens such as dust mites, mould spores, and bacteria at bay.”

Steam cleaners can be used on a variety of surfaces, including carpets, upholstery, curtains, and even mattresses, notes Crombie.

“As a bonus, steam cleaning also helps maintain a fresh-smelling home without the use of artificial fragrances that could trigger allergic reactions.”

Managing pet dander

If you have pets, keeping allergens under control can be a challenge…

Regular grooming and bathing of your pet can significantly reduce the amount of dander they shed, says Crombie. “Designate pet-free zones in your home, particularly in bedrooms, to minimise exposure to allergens.”

“Wash pet bedding frequently, and vacuum areas where your pets spend the most time,” she continues. “Using an air purifier with a HEPA filter can also help trap pet hair and dander, improving indoor air quality.”

Minimising pollen indoors

During allergy season, pollen can easily find its way into your home, warns Crombie. To minimise exposure, she says to keep windows and doors closed on high pollen count days, especially in the morning and early evening when pollen levels are highest.

If you’ve been outside, she suggests changing your clothes and showering to remove pollen from your skin and hair before relaxing indoors.

Moreover, using an air purifier with a HEPA filter can also help capture airborne pollen, reducing its impact inside your home, says Crombie.

“Washing curtains and regularly dusting blinds will prevent pollen from settling on these surfaces.”

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