Are Mothballs the Secret to Keeping Silverfish Away? We Asked Pest Pros for Answers

Are Mothballs the Secret to Keeping Silverfish Away? We Asked Pest Pros for Answers

Mothballs are intended to kill moths and protect your clothing, but can they keep silverfish away, too? We asked pest control experts to weigh in on whether mothballs are an effective repellent for silverfish. The consensus is that while mothballs can be used to repel silverfish, the risks involved are not worth taking.

They contain toxic chemicals called naphthalene and paradichlorobenzene that release a strong smell to repel pests. Although it may kill the pests, the toxic chemicals can also be harmful to humans and animals. Keep reading for safer alternatives and steps experts say you can take inside and outside your home to keep those pesky silverfish away.

Meet the Expert

  • Tony King is a pest control expert and founder of The Pied Piper Pest Control.
  • Ed Dolshun is the VP of business development and technical director at Catchmaster.
  • Allan Bossel is the operations expert at Bed Bug Exterminator.

What Are Mothballs?

Mothballs are solid spheres that contain naphthalene and paradichlorobenzene, two powerful chemicals that produce a strong scent that repels moths. They are designed for enclosed spaces such as closed containers and are specifically intended to protect clothing from the damage moths can cause.

While the fumes produced by the chemicals in mothballs can be effective in killing pests and protecting your belongings from damage, the chemicals they release in the process are toxic.

Additionally, the intense smell of the mothballs can transfer to your clothing and upholstered furniture in the room or closet and be hard to get rid of.

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Can You Use Mothballs to Keep Silverfish Away?

Ed Dolshun, VP of business development and technical director at Catchmaster, explains how while you can use mothballs to effectively repel silverfish due to their intense smell, it’s not generally recommended to do so.

Naphthalene, along with the chemical paradichlorobenzene which is also frequently used in mothballs, produces strong fumes that repel silverfish. However, due to the health and safety concerns related to improper use of mothballs in open spaces, pest control experts say they are not the most effective or safe method for keeping silverfish away indoors.

“If you have pets and children, there’s also the risk of ingestion,” Allan Bossel, an operations expert at Bed Bug Exterminator, says.

For this reason, mothballs are not the experts’ favorite solution for getting rid of silverfish and they say the product is better suited for its original purpose.

“Mothballs are best used for killing clothes moths in a tight space—a storage container for example,” Dolshun says.

8 Ways to Keep Silverfish Away


  • Lowering the humidity in your home is one of the most effective ways to keep silverfish away according to Tony King, pest control expert and founder of The Pied Piper Pest Control. He recommends using a dehumidifier or improving ventilation in your home to create an unwelcoming environment for the pest since silverfish thrive in damp environments.
  • To deny silverfish entry into your home, Dolshun recommends sealing any cracks and crevices around pipes, windows, and baseboards with caulk.
  • Silverfish hide in areas such as shelves and closets, so keep these areas decluttered, vacuum them regularly, and remove any open food sources that attract them.
  • Dolshun recommends using Diatomaceous Earth (DE) whenever you see silverfish — it will act as a natural dehydrator and dry them away.
  • Place sticky silverfish traps in areas where you have seen the pests. They are non-toxic, easy to use, and inexpensive.


  • To prevent silverfish from coming inside your home, keep the outside clean. King recommends removing leaf litter and other organic debris from around your home to minimize the chances of silverfish entering indoor areas.
  • To prevent moisture buildup in which silverfish can thrive, Dolshun advises that you seal any cracks and maintain the landscape surrounding your home’s foundation.
  • Move mulch and woodpiles away from your home’s foundation, as they can turn into a breeding ground for silverfish.
  • To stop water from building up around your foundation and creating a home for silverfish, Dolshun says you need to ensure your gutters and downspouts direct water away from your house.
  • If you live in an area that allows it, Bossel says you can use pesticides on the perimeter of your property. He cautions that you should just make sure you use a product specifically designed to work against silverfish and apply it properly. If you are unsure or have any concerns, calling a professional is always the safest option.

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