Are You a Sleep Procrastinator? Here's How to Stop Pushing Back Your Bedtime to Get the Rest You Need

Are You a Sleep Procrastinator? Here’s How to Stop Pushing Back Your Bedtime to Get the Rest You Need

Sleep procrastination might sound silly—after all, who would want to procrastinate something as lovely as sleep? But the truth is, many of us do procrastinate sleep. We push back our bedtimes to catch one more episode of that show we’re binge-watching, or to doomscroll through Instagram for 10 more minutes. And while these moments may seem small and unimportant, over time, they really add up.

“Sleep is like a bank account, and it takes time to build up and time to deplete,” says Alex Dimitriu, MD, founder of Menlo Park Psychiatry & Sleep Medicine. “Chronic sleep deprivation builds up to moodiness, depression, irritability, more anxiety, less impulse control … and worse, memory.”

Hearing that, it’s pretty clear sleep procrastination is a bad thing. So why do we keep doing it—and how can we stop? We talked to the experts to find out.

  • Alex Dimitriu, MD, is the founder of Menlo Park Psychiatry & Sleep Medicine.
  • Chelsie Rohrscheib, PhD, is a sleep specialist at Wesper, an at-home sleep analysis tool.
  • Nicole Avena, PhD, a neuroscientist and author.

What Is Sleep Procrastination?

Sleep procrastination—also known as bedtime procrastination—is exactly what it sounds like: It’s a decision to put off going to bed when there’s no external reason to. (When we say external reason, we mean injuries, illnesses, and emergencies that might keep you up later than intended.)

Sleep procrastination can take the form of a few minutes or several hours. And while these isolated incidents may leave you feeling tired the next day, over time, they can contribute to sleep deprivation.

“Sleep loss has many short- and long-term negative effects on your health and well-being,” says Chelsie Rohrscheib, PhD, sleep specialist at Wesper, including an increased risk for some health conditions (like diabetes, depression, and heart attacks).

If Sleep Procrastination Is Bad, Why Do We Keep Doing It?

Most of us understand the value of a good night’s sleep. Sleep supports everything from physical health to proper brain function. And it can help boost our immune systems, reduce our risk of certain chronic health problems, and otherwise keep us in tip-top shape.

Many of us want to get the CDC’s recommended seven hours of sleep each night. But temptations like Instagram and Netflix keep us from pulling it off. Why?

“Life can be busy and very stressful,” says Nicole Avena, PhD, a neuroscientist and author. “If you are not finding time to yourself during the day, you may not feel fulfilled and will want to reclaim that time during the night, after your obligations are complete.” Rohrscheib agrees, noting that sleep procrastinators tend to fall into one of two categories: busy people who need a little more free time and so-called overachievers who sacrifice sleep to keep working.

Plus, saying no to Instagram requires discipline—after a long day, that effort may be hard to summon. “Sleep procrastination is like any other procrastination or binging behavior—[it’s] easier to watch one more video or eat one more cookie than to go to bed (the responsible thing to do),” Dr. Dimitriu says. “Some people are so responsible by day [that] they just run out of being responsible at night.” Experts call this ego depletion—and it’s a hotly debated topic in the psychology space.

How to Stop Procrastinating and (Finally) Go to Sleep

Develop a routine—and stick with it.

The easiest way to ensure you get enough sleep each night? Have a set bedtime and a set wake-up time that you stick to. If specific times feel too rigid, give yourself a bedtime and wake-up window. “It is very important to keep a consistent sleep schedule,” Avena says. “Of course, it is nearly impossible to go to sleep at the same exact time each night. But keeping within a one- to two-hour window for both going to sleep and waking up is most effective.” Just be sure not to use the flexibility as an excuse to indulge in some sleep procrastination.

Figure out what’s keeping you up.

If you already have a set sleep routine, figure out what’s keeping you from it. Is it work, TV, conversations with friends, or something else entirely? Once you understand what the problem causers are, you can build boundaries around them.

Turn your screens off.

Many of us know that the blue light emitted from our devices can disrupt our Circadian rhythms, affecting our ability to fall and stay asleep. But screen time may be affecting your sleep schedule in other ways, too.

The activity you’re procrastinating sleep for could be an app on your phone, a show on your TV, or even work on your computer, so consider setting boundaries around screen time. Rohrscheib recommends ending screen time at least one hour before bedtime, and Avena recommends keeping electronics out of the bedroom entirely.

Get yourself a comfortable bed.

Good sleep starts with a good foundation: your bed. Knowing you have a comfortable, supportive, and high-quality bed like the Sleep Number 360 smart bed waiting for you will make you want to spend time there every night.

Build a bedtime ritual.

OK, now that you’ve removed screens and other electronics from the bedroom, what are you supposed to do until it’s time to go to sleep? “Make a bedtime routine you can follow every night,” Rohrscheib suggests. Read, meditate, journal, stretch, listen to relaxing music, or engage in another low-energy activity you love.

According to Rohrscheib, you’ll want to start this ritual about 30 minutes before bedtime. And while it may take time to get used to, don’t be surprised if you come to love it.

Carve out breaks earlier in the day.

One of the reasons you might keep pushing back bedtime? You want to feel like there’s more time in your day. This is called revenge bedtime procrastination. However, taking breaks earlier in the day can give you that same feeling of control and free time—without disrupting your sleep schedule—so carve out pockets of free time where you can.

“Set aside quality time for yourself early enough in the day that you don’t have to cut into your sleep hours,” Rohrscheib says. And if you have a really busy schedule, look for places where you can save time. “[This] might include meal prepping on weekends … scheduling out your days with set time limits for tasks and activities, and getting help from friends and family when needed,” she adds.

Dos and Don’ts of Sleep Hygiene

Do keep work out of the bedroom.

One good rule of thumb: Keep your bedroom reserved for sleep and sex only. “Working in bed can decrease your quality of sleep because it will become more and more difficult for your brain to distinguish between workspace and rest space,” Avena says.

So keep work out of the bedroom whenever possible. “Worrying, working, and even not sleeping in bed is best avoided,” Dr. Dimitriu says.

Don’t let tomorrow’s stressors keep you up tonight.

If stress is keeping you up, take steps to minimize your worries before climbing into bed at night. “Make a to-do list of the things you’d like to achieve the next day so you don’t stress about them at night,” Rohrscheib says. “The brain quickly makes associations between your actions and your environment.” So, keeping stress out of the bedroom can be just as important as keeping work out of the bedroom.

Do pay attention to what feeling well-rested feels like.

Remembering how great it feels to get enough sleep can make it easier to curb your procrastination habit. “It helps to track this, so you can see the outcome of getting more rest,” Dr. Dimitriu says. He recommends tracking your mood and energy levels throughout the day—about every two to three hours. And be sure to pay attention to how you feel in the afternoon. “[This is] when most of us tend to get sleepy (less so, when more rested!),” he says.

Don’t change your routine on the weekends.

Consistency is key. Keep a consistent bedtime and wake-up time, even on the weekends. “Sleep specialists recommend that you keep a consistent sleep schedule even on weekends and holidays,” Rohrscheib says. “This is because our brains thrive on routine.” If you do need to change up your schedule, Dr. Dimitriu recommends staying within an hour of your usual bedtime and wake-up time whenever possible.

Do talk to a professional.

If you’re having consistent trouble with sleep procrastination and it’s affecting your quality of life, consider talking to a professional. “Sleep procrastination can be a difficult habit to break,” Avena says. So don’t be too hard on yourself if you’re having trouble changing your routine. But if you feel like you could use some extra help or guidance, remember that professionals are happy to provide it.

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