Building Self Respect: How to respect yourself so that others start respecting you too | – Times of India
Respect is a two-way street, and it all starts with you. If you want others to treat you with respect, the first step is to show it to yourself. Ever wonder why some people don’t respect you? Well, the answer could be as simple as how you’re treating yourself. But no worries — we’ve got you covered with easy, practical tips to start demanding the respect you deserve. Here’s your guide to building self-respect — and getting it back from the world around you.
Take care of yourself first

If you’re not looking after your own well-being, how can you expect anyone else to value you? Self-care isn’t just about face masks and bubble baths. It’s about making sure your physical, mental, and emotional health are in check. Sleep well, eat nourishing foods, move your body, and make time to recharge.
Keep your promises

Your word is your bond. If you say you’ll do something, do it. Even if it’s something small, like showing up on time or responding to a text. Keeping promises — no matter how big or small — shows that you’re reliable and trustworthy. People respect people they can count on. If you’re always breaking promises or making excuses, people won’t take you seriously. So be a person of integrity, and watch how your respect factor grows.
Learn to say no

Saying “no” is a superpower, and it’s one you definitely need to start using. If you’re always saying yes to things that drain you or make you feel uncomfortable, you’re basically telling people your time and energy are theirs for the taking. Respect yourself enough to say “no” when it doesn’t serve you. Whether it’s a favour you can’t do, an event you don’t want to attend, or a commitment that’s too much — saying “no” is all about protecting your time and well-being.
Respect others first
It’s really that simple. If you want people to treat you right, start by treating them right. Listen to what they have to say, value their opinions, and show kindness. The golden rule isn’t just something nice to say — it’s the core of any healthy relationship. When you show respect to others, it creates a positive ripple effect. People will notice how you treat them, and more often than not, they’ll return that respect to you.
Set clear boundaries
Respecting yourself means knowing your limits and setting clear boundaries. Boundaries protect your time, energy, and emotions. Whether it’s in your personal life, at work, or in relationships, you need to be clear about what you will and won’t tolerate. If someone crosses a boundary, speak up — kindly but firmly. By doing this, you teach others how to treat you, and they’ll respect you more for it.
Practice self-compassion
You’re only human, and humans make mistakes. Instead of beating yourself up over slip-ups, practice self-compassion. Be kind to yourself in moments of struggle. When you give yourself grace and room to grow, you reinforce the message that you are worthy of love and respect, no matter what. This not only boosts your self-respect but also sets a great example for others.
Embrace your worth
You’re the only one who can define your worth. If you’re constantly undervaluing yourself, don’t be surprised if others do the same. Embrace what makes you unique — your strengths, talents, and quirks. Celebrate every win, no matter how small. When you truly believe in your worth, people will notice that confidence and treat you with the same respect you show yourself.
Don’t tolerate disrespect
If someone disrespects you, don’t just sit there and take it. Stand up for yourself. You don’t need to get all worked up or defensive — just calmly let them know that their behavior isn’t okay. Set that boundary. When you make it clear that disrespect won’t fly, people will start taking you seriously and treat you the way you deserve.
Self-respect isn’t something you can switch on and off — it’s something you build day by day. When you take care of yourself, keep your promises, treat others with respect, and set healthy boundaries, you’re laying the groundwork for the respect you deserve. The more you respect yourself, the more others will do the same. So go ahead — give yourself the love and care you deserve, and watch how the world starts reflecting that right back at you!