Costco Shoppers Are So Obsessed with This New Costco Food Court Hot Dog Hack
After the renowned Forbidden Glizzy (aka a hot dog stuffed inside a chicken bake) made its rounds on TikTok as the original outlandishly-delicious hack, a new contender has entered the arena (read: Costco food court)—and it honestly might be even more strange. But hey, that doesn’t mean it’s not tasty.
The New Pizza x Hot Dog Costco Food Court Hack
Rather than grabbing a hot dog and a chicken bake, all you need for this new forbidden menu item is a single slice of Costco’s cheese pizza along with the classic $1.50 hot dog (the entire order costs you just $3.50, by the way). Then, do the unthinkable: Slide the entire piece of melted cheese right off the pizza and onto the hot dog. No other toppings required.
If this off-menu food court fusion feels wrong to you, you actually might be in the minority. Costco shoppers everywhere are thoroughly enjoying this indulgent hack. According to reviews, the baked, pizza-flavored melted cheese pairs nicely with Costco’s famous hot dogs, according to those who taste tested it on social media.
“I’m upset I’m 37 and never thought of this,” reads one top comment on a viral TikTok showing the upgraded food court hot dog. “I’ve never wanted something so bad in my life,” adds another.
What about the cheese-less slice of pizza?
If you’re wondering what to do with that extra slice once it’s been de-cheesed, TikTok thought up another hack for you: Take the hot dog out of its original bun and wrap it up in the slice of pizza instead, creating a pizza-slice hot dog bun. If you’re really dedicated, you can wrap the whole hot dog (bun and all) in the slice of pizza, too (the generous slices are definitely big enough).
Most commenters, however, agreed that the Costco cheese pizza is delectable even without the cheese. “You take the cheese, and I’ll eat the bread with the sauce; fair trade I must say,” one says.
Think of it like an alternative bruschetta—you still get the flavors from the baked cheese and tomato sauce but without the cheese itself. This makes the hack fair game even for those who don’t want any food to go to waste. It’s also a bonus for any lactose-intolerant Costco shoppers. (If that’s you, you already likely understand delicacy that is cheese pizza sans cheese.)
For your next Costco adventure, take a friend and give them your extra cheese for their hot dog. It may be the most expensive hot dog “topping” the chain unofficially offers, but it’s well worth it. Now we’re just patiently waiting to see what Costco food court hack social media dreams up next.