Diminishing Ovarian Reserve: A Key Cause of Infertility in Women 30+ – News18
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The fertility rate, which today stands at 1.6, is projected to dip below 1.29 by 2050, according to the National Family Health Survey.
Diminishing ovarian reserve is when the eggs in the ovaries start to decline and there are only fewer eggs left in the ovaries
With increasing stress levels, lifestyle changes, and hormonal issues, India is indeed on the brink of an infertility crisis. Estimates indicate that about 27.5 million married couples in India are suffering from infertility and are actively trying to conceive. Affecting one in six married couples, this silent epidemic is catching on like wildfire. The fertility rate, which today stands at 1.6, is projected to dip below 1.29 by 2050, according to the National Family Health Survey. While men and women face this challenge, there is one growing concern for women, especially those aged 30 and above – a diminishing reserve.
Dr Mukesh Batra, Homeopath expert shares all you need to know
What is an Ovarian Reserve?
Ovarian reserve simply means the quantity and quality of eggs a woman has in her two ovaries. This is an indication of the reproductive potential and it has a direct impact on a women’s ability to conceive.
Age has a significant impact on fertility, which is related to reproductive aging, which is predicated on the idea that a woman’s eggs peak and degenerate over the course of her lifetime. As a woman ages, her fertility rate decreases, and the number and quality of her eggs start to deteriorate beyond the age of thirty.
Diminishing ovarian reserve is when the eggs in the ovaries start to decline and there are only fewer eggs left in the ovaries. Although eggs are essential for a healthy pregnancy, their number does decline with age. In some women, the decrease in eggs happens sooner than expected, causing infertility. This is likely more often diagnosed among women aged 30 and above. Studies indicate that the chances of a woman conceiving decline from 75% at the age of 30 to a starting 66% at the age of 33. Furthermore, older women are more susceptible to miscarriages in comparison to younger women.
The two main causes of diminishing ovarian reserve are ageing and genetic treatments. Autoimmune conditions, radiation or chemotherapy, surgery on ovaries, and genetic disorders are some of the common medical causes for diminishing ovaries.
Holistic TreatmentÂ
Holistic health, the cornerstone of homeopathic treatment, plays a pivotal role in addressing infertility and declining ovarian reserve. Targeting underlying reasons such as stress, hormone imbalances, and lifestyle choices, homoeopathy aims to restore equilibrium to the body by emphasising both physical and emotional well-being.
Calcerea Carb can be suggested for women who suffer from prolonged periods, while Pulsatilla can be recommended to women who are facing scanty periods ever since their menarche. The above homeopathic medicines are to be taken in 30 C, 4 pills twice a day.
Homeopathic remedies support hormonal regulation, promote normal ovulation, and help maintain a healthy menstrual cycle, offering a non-invasive path to overcoming infertility. Always consult a qualified homeopath before starting medication.
Lifestyle Changes
Dietary changes also play a pivotal role. Consuming plant-based proteins instead of animal proteins can reduce the risk of ovulatory infertility by 5%. Foods rich in antioxidants-like avocados, walnuts, and fatty fish-help maintain hormonal balance and improve reproductive health. It was advisable to avoid packaged foods, sugar-laden beverages, and excessive alcohol or caffeine consumption, as these hinder fertility efforts.