Does your child still need afternoon naps? - The Times of India

Does your child still need afternoon naps? – The Times of India

Afternoon naps have long been a part of childhood routines, but as kids grow older, the question arises—do they really need them? While some children thrive with a mid-day rest, others resist it, making parents wonder if naps are truly essential.
Naps play a critical function in the early development of a child. Toddlers and young children require naps to assist in their mental development, emotional stability, and physical health. Naps aid in memory consolidation, enhance learning capacities, and balance emotions.
But as children age, they need different amounts of sleep. Most toddlers (1-3 years old) need 12-14 hours of sleep each day, with naps. Preschoolers (3-5 years old) usually need 10-13 hours, and school-aged children (6+ years) can manage with 9-12 hours of nighttime sleep only.
So, does your child need an afternoon nap? If your child fights afternoon sleep or is transitioning out of it, read this.
If your child is transitioning out of naps or already nap-free, it’s essential to ensure they don’t feel exhausted by evening. Here’s how you can help them stay fresh and active without daytime sleep:
The best approach to replacing naps in the afternoon is to provide your child with enough sleep during the night. A routine of bedtime facilitates winding down and good sleep for your child. Adhere to a regular bedtime, turn off lights, read a bedtime book, and don’t use any electronic devices prior to sleeping.
Even if your kid doesn’t take a nap, a 30–45-minute quiet time in the afternoon would be beneficial. Ask them to lie down and read a book, listen to soothing music, or do something relaxing like color. This helps relax the mind without sleep.
Dehydration and hunger lead to fatigue, and children become cranky in the afternoon. Make sure they have sufficient water and energy-replenishing snacks such as fruits, nuts, yogurt, or whole grains to keep them energized.
A little movement helps refresh their minds and prevent sluggishness. Encourage short outdoor play, a walk in the park, or stretching exercises to boost their energy levels naturally.
Boredom can make kids feel drowsy. Keep them engaged in stimulating yet non-overwhelming activities like puzzles, craft projects, or simple board games to keep their minds active.
Exposure to sunlight helps regulate the body’s internal clock. Open the curtains, let fresh air in, or step outside for a few minutes to reset their energy levels naturally.
However, some kids might find it difficult to drop afternoon naps from their routine. Give them some time. Here are a few signs that your child still needs a nap

  • Frequent meltdowns or crankiness in the late afternoon
  • Difficulty concentrating on tasks or activities
  • Excessive yawning or rubbing their eyes
  • Falling asleep during car rides or while sitting idle
  • Waking up too early in the morning and feeling tired throughout

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