Feel Calmer in 5 Minutes (or Less!) With Our Fave Meditations on Spotify

Feel Calmer in 5 Minutes (or Less!) With Our Fave Meditations on Spotify

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It’s a chaotic day completely jammed with to-dos, Slack pings, errands—and fantasies of putting everything on hold to take refuge on your couch and rewatch 20 seasons of Grey’s Anatomy.

You heroically manage to spare five minutes with the intention of listening to a quick meditation and emerging on the other side a (somewhat) more balanced, energized version of yourself.

But it turns out *finding* a guided meditation that won’t make you cringe, literally laugh out loud, or otherwise judge the production value can be a feat in itself.

So how do you find something short, sweet, and impactful without scrolling for more time than you have to meditate?

We’ve done the hard work for you of listening to dozens of Spotify meditations to choose the ones that do NOT contain:

  • Host introductions (because this is a meditation, not a podcast)
  • Too-loud voices
  • Too-quiet voices
  • Awkward microphone feedback
  • Ultra-cheesy meditation voices

Unwind With Our Fave Spotify Meditations

When you want to make the most of your precious time before returning to the demands of daily life, these will do the trick.

1. Self Love | As You Are Meditation

Imagine standing in front of yourself and wishing you the best. After guiding you through some deep breaths and body awareness, that’s exactly what the narrator of this meditation prompts you to do with affirmations including: “I wish you health.” “I wish you happiness.” “And I hope that you live in peace.”

The delicate bird-chirping in the background adds a peaceful touch without overpowering the narration. One listener commented, “I listen to this every night.” But these five minutes are versatile enough that you can listen to them any time of day.

2. Morning Meditation for Success | Zims Ele & Robert Pronat

Okay, meditating for “success” might sound a little Wall Street-y. And though this guided meditation feels a little fast-paced in the beginning, it can foster positive vibes if you stick with it. The narrator cues you to imagine all the details of your “perfect day.” He then offers the much-needed reminder that you can create that same type of in your day.

The second half includes affirmations such as “I create what is needed” and “I am successful in all that I do.” That might sound like it relates to your financial success or career. But because the first half of the meditation helps you tap into your emotional state so deeply, it’s implied that you get to define success for yourself.

3. Release Your Story | Beditations by Donna Cruz

Who said you need five minutes to meditate? “Release Your Story” comes in at just under one minute (59 seconds to be precise). When you need to turn down the volume of your racing thoughts before bed, this is a quick way to do so.

Cruz talks about the stories you tell about yourself—and issues the reminder that none of those stories are you at all. She leaves off on an inspiring note: “Tomorrow I will tell a new and better story.”

4. 5-Minute Meditation for Kids

Never thought to explore the “meditation for kids” genre on Spotify? You may have to rethink that. The narrator of this session has the kind and not-so-serious voice of a grade-school teacher guiding you through a detailed visualization of “floating on a light, fluffy cloud.” Piano music in the background is a welcome break from the ambient sounds most meditations use.

5. Simple 5-Minute Breath Meditation 

Unlike most guided meditations on Spotify, this one doesn’t have any background music, noise, nature sounds, gongs, wind chimes, or anything else. You might not realize just how refreshing that is until you listen for yourself. The only sound is the narrator’s words, which cue you to turn your attention inward as you relax your body, breathe, and let go of lingering thoughts.

There are a couple moments of silence during this meditation that encourage you to be with yourself, supported by the quiet presence of the meditation.

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