Here’s What Ina Garten Says You Should Never Bring as a Host Gift

When she’s not perfecting recipes to share with the world, beloved chef and author Ina Garten hosts incredible dinners surrounded by loved ones, boasting the most impressive spreads of homemade (and utterly delicious) dishes. Given her decades of experience in the kitchen and at the head of the table, the culinary icon knows a thing or two about being the most appreciative and thoughtful guest.

In an exclusive talk with People magazine and Dotdash Meredith, Garten dishes her most useful tips for attending dinner parties that might change the way you gift as a guest.

What Not to Bring as a Host Gift, According to Ina Garten

The Be Ready When the Luck Happens author reveals two items she advises against gifting a host: a flower bouquet and a bottle of wine.

According to Garten, you should always bring an item respectful of how hard the host worked to create an enjoyable evening for everyone. She says to stray from items the hostess may feel inclined to serve right as it’s gifted to them or items like flowers that require extra assistance to display.

“I always try and bring something that they can have the next day like great coffee or granola, but not something they feel compelled to serve right then, especially if it doesn’t go with what is being made,” says Garten.

Especially if a bottle is chilled, Garten shares that she often feels forced to serve it, but it may not pair well with the meal she spent time prepping. As for flowers, Garten says that the host has enough on their plate and shouldn’t have to worry about finding the perfect vase and arranging the assortment to place on the table.

So, leave the appetizers and desserts at home and opt for something the host can set aside and enjoy for days to come, like a homemade container of granola or your all-time favorite coffee beans.

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