How Severance’s Dichen Lachman Made Gemma’s Infertility Struggle Feel So Real

How Severance’s Dichen Lachman Made Gemma’s Infertility Struggle Feel So Real

Adam’s as extraordinary a person as he is an actor. In terms of developing the relationship, I think his generosity and kindness helped create that sense of familiarity. In terms of the miscarriage scene, I spoke to a lot of women and it’s more common than people admit or talk about. It’s one of those things that just isn’t in the conversation. It’s something that a lot of women feel like they go through alone, and it’s very difficult, I think, for a male partner to understand what it feels like.

…It was so important for Jessica to make it feel authentic. I think both our desires to really deal with it that way, hopefully landed really well with the audience and the writers and Ben [Stiller, who executive produces the show] and everyone. Obviously they’re men who haven’t been through something like this, but they were really encouraging in terms of just saying, whatever you guys want to do with this, however you want to approach it to me and Jessica. They were great that way.

You mentioned speaking to women who had experience with miscarriage, who were they?

I have a couple of girlfriends, I’ll let them be nameless, but people who’ve had multiple miscarriages and also people who had multiple miscarriages in the IVF process. I’ve personally had my own experiences with things too, but I didn’t want it to only be my point of view. I wanted it to not just make it like, oh, well, because everyone’s experience is different.

In some instances where there’s that real desire and you’ve tried multiple times, it’s really heartbreaking and you feel like you are failing, you feel like the one thing that should come so naturally is so difficult. It’s a real thing that women go through regularly. Often they feel like they’re going through it by themselves,

There is a scene where Gemma has a miscarriage that I thought portrayed the experience so beautifully, without explicitly stating what happened. Afterwards, I was reading some of the show chatter on Reddit and there were multiple (male) posters being like, “Wait, what’s wrong with her? What happened?” When to me, and assume most women, it was pretty obvious.

I think the men who really understand what women have to go through, even on a regular basis on any given day, they’re few and far between. We’re constantly going through a transformation every month, and then as we age, it changes, and then we have to deal with a whole host of things…I actually wondered, when I watched it, I was like, I wonder if the male audience is actually going to understand what’s going on.

There’s a lot of fan theories about Dr. Mauer (Robby Benson), the Lumon employee running the experiments on Gemma who seems to be a little obsessed with her. He was also lurking in the background when Mark and Gemma were at the fertility clinic, leading people to wonder if they somehow recruited Gemma from her treatment. What do you think?

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