How To Clean Copper For Tarnish-Free Shine
With the renaissance of the maximalist, almost shabby-chic aesthetic, copper goods are everywhere. Planters, sconces, bathroom and kitchen hardware (including sinks), jewelry, goblets, and servingware are all making an appearance with a special copper touch. With these fashionable products comes the challenge of keeping copper items stain and tarnish-free, which is no small task.
Much like brass, copper wear-and-tear happens due to oxidization. The oxygen in our air slowly reacts with the alloys in copper to layer on a green coating called a patina. One of the most famous examples of copper’s corrosion is the Statue of Liberty which, when gifted to the United States in 1885, arrived as a shining, shimmering, amber structure. Within five years, the patina had set in, and within a decade, the formerly glossy, reddish statue had transformed into the matte, soft jade color we see today. Thankfully, your products at home will be much simpler to restore than Lady Liberty.
To keep your copper looking its best, you should remove the tarnish. If you notice your copper is looking a little less than lively, walk with us as we learn how to clean copper one step at a time using the advice of Sarah McAllister, founder of the Instagram sensation GoCleanCo, as a guide.
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How Often To Clean Copper
How often you clean your copper pieces depends on how you use the item, where it’s kept, and the look you want. If you prefer lots of shine, you’ll need to clean copper every three months. If you don’t mind a darker color, clean it twice a year. Copper left outdoors weathers quickly and needs to be cleaned more often than indoor copper pieces, from every few weeks to every few months. Clean any copper cookware after every use.
3 Things To Consid Before Getting Started
Before cleaning your copper, you’ll need to determine whether it’s sealed or natural, what cleaning solution you’ll use, and how to test the cleanser before you begin.
Determine The Type Of Copper
The type of copper you’ve got will help dictate the proper course of treatment. Copper can be sealed or left raw, and it’s important to know which kind you’ve got before moving forward. Sealed, or lacquered, copper will present as much shinier than raw, or natural, copper—and it’s also much easier to clean (tackle sealed copper with a warm, wet dishcloth and dish soap).
If copper is tarnishing, however, that likely means the seal has been stripped, or that the item was left in its natural form intentionally. You can always have it professionally re-sealed to achieve that old luster, but accidentally using a harsh chemical cleaner on a sealed piece can strip the seal off completely.
How do you know what you’ve got? “A copper sink is usually unsealed because it’s constantly in contact with water,” says McAllister. “A copper pot, on the other hand, is usually shiny and sealed.” Checking for shine is the easiest way to check for a seal.
Choose A Method
There are several solutions you can use to clean copper for regular maintenance or even badly oxidized copper. “Our favorite thing to use on brass is Bar Keeper’s Friend,” says McAllister. “We prefer the liquid form—so easy to use, and works on a wide variety of surfaces: stainless steel, brass, copper, porcelain.” For smaller items that need polishing, you’ll need a paste to apply to the item. Whether it be a household cleaner that is a favorite, like Bar Keeper’s Friend, or a formula that is a DIY recipe made with lemon juice or another acid, your copper will come out with a satisfying shine.
No matter your choice in cleaning formula to get your copper clean, it’s about waiting for that solution to work, wiping it down, and drying it properly. Take a look at our steps to cleaning success, and put your copper cleaning project on the front burner.
Test Before You Start
McAllister suggests testing your method before starting to ensure it’s safe to use on your piece. Start by buffing a small, out-of-sight area with any cleaning solutions listed to make sure there are no reactions or damage.
What You Need
- Lemon juice
- Cream of tartar
- Small bowl
- Sponge
- Warm water
- Toothbrush
- Soft cloths
- Salt (optional)
- Measuring spoons (optional)
- Lemon halves (optional)
- Tomato juice, spaghetti sauce, or ketchup (optional)
- Vinegar (optional)
- Flour (optional)
How To Clean Copper With Lemon Juice
For smaller copper pieces, it’s easy to create a paste that will help you address the nooks and crannies. With the aid of a toothbrush, you are on the right track.
Step 1: Make A Paste
Create a paste the consistency of toothpaste using equal parts lemon juice and cream of tartar.
Step 2: Apply The Paste
Spread the paste over the tarnished area of the copper piece and let sit for 20 minutes.
Step 3: Scrub
Using circular motions, use your sponge to scrub the product into the copper and watch as the patina falls away. Keep at it until the copper is restored.
Step 4: Rinse
Within about a minute of completing your scrubbing, move to a rinse—either by scrubbing clean with a toothbrush and warm water, soaking one of your cloths in warm water and wiping the product down, or (if you’re able) by dunking your item directly into warm water. The most important thing here is removing all of the cleaning product before you move to drying.
Step 5: Dry
Ensure that your copper product has dried completely by using your second dry, lint-free cloth to remove any remaining moisture you see and buffing to a streak-free finish. Water is the enemy of copper, and leaving even a drop unattended will result in eventual corrosion (and unsightly water spots).
Another option for a lemon-based paste is combining lemon juice, salt, and cornmeal. The cornmeal helps make it easer to spread on an item, and the lemon juice and salt do the heavy lifting. Spread, let sit, and clean off with warm water and a soft cloth.
How To Clean Copper With Lemon Juice And Salt
There are a couple of methods that bring citrus into play, specifically with lemons and salt.
- To remove tarnish, cut a lemon in half.
- Sprinkle the surface of the cut lemon with salt.
- Alternatively, you can sprinkle the copper surface with lemon juice and shake salt over it.
- Rub the surface of your pots with lemon halves dipped in salt or use a soft sponge to rub the salt sprinkled over lemon juice.
- Rinse with warm water and a clean soft cloth.
- Dry with a clean soft cloth.
How To Clean Copper With Tomato Acid
If you’d prefer to keep it easy and use what’s on hand, grab a bottle of your best ally—acid. Nearly any will do. Even ketchup, tomato juice, or spaghetti sauce can do the trick in polishing copper.
- Coat the copper with the tomato acid you choose.
- Once it is applied, let it sit for 20-30 minutes.
- Use a sponge to scrub the copper in circular motions.
- Clean it off with warm water and a soft cloth.
- Use a soft cloth to thoroughly dry the piece.
How To Clean Copper With Vinegar
When considering household acids that are easily accessible, vinegar is high on our list. There are a few ways to apply vinegar when you are attempting to keep your copper in shape. Take the below into consideration if vinegar might be all you have on hand, or if you only have time for a few extra cleaning strokes that will make all the difference.
Cleaning Smaller Items
- Mix one teaspoon salt, one tablespoon flour, and enough vinegar to make a thick paste.
- Rub the paste on the copper surface and let the paste dry completely.
- Rinse in warm soapy water, and buff with a clean soft cloth.
Cleaning Large, Free-Standing Copper Pieces
Using vinegar to address larger surface areas is a cinch.
- For larger items that need a quick fix, fill a spray bottle with a pint of vinegar and three tablespoons of salt.
- Spray liberally on the surface of your copper pot, then let the item sit for half an hour.
- Rub the surface clean with a dry, soft cloth.
If your copper stains are particularly tough, it is possible you might have to put that item on a high boil. Read on to discover how even the toughest patina can be addressed.
How To Clean Copper By Boiling
There are certain situations that call for a more aggressive approach, and while you are still using vinegar, the use of boiling water ups the ante to ensure that your favorite kitchen item comes away sparkling. For this method, gather together a large stainless steel pot, water, vinegar, and 1 to 3 tablespoons of salt.
- Combine three parts water and one part vinegar with 1 to 3 tablespoons of salt to make enough solution to fill your pot. McAllister advises that the pot must be stainless steel, citing that this particular metal protects copper in the cleaning process. Once you’ve determined how much cleaning solution you’ll need, fill your pot (“Enough to submerge the item,” she says), drop in your copper product, and bring the liquid to a boil.
- Make sure to watch the item carefully. “The tarnish will start to lift right away, and that’s when you want to remove it from heat and let the item cool,” McAllister says. Over-boiling can cause copper products to slightly warp, so taking them away from a heat source and allowing them to cool once the patina has broken away is crucial in keeping them shapely.
- Just as you did for smaller copper items, follow the same instructions above to completely dry and polish your piece.
Tips To Keep Copper Clean Longer
Among McAllister’s many pieces of wisdom, she shared tips for keeping copper pieces clean longer. These tips mean less cleaning and scrubbing in the long run.
Protect With Plastic Cling Wrap
If you have a copper product that isn’t displayed—servingware or seasonal copper mint julep cups—wrap them. “One of my staff had a polishing party recently, and since she doesn’t use these items regularly, she wrapped them in Saran Wrap to tuck away, out of sight, until their next use,” explains McAllister. Though it’s not particularly aesthetic, keeping metals that will oxidize sealed in cling wrap prevents oxygen from getting to the metal, thereby acting as a barrier and preserving the lustrous shine you’ve worked so hard to achieve.
Apply Mineral Oil
For an added touch and a little extra TLC, you can finish polishing your copper by using mineral oil. McAllister is careful to warn her clients that a piece must be “bone dry” before moving to this step. “You have to give your metals a full 10 minutes, at a minimum, to dry before adding mineral oil. Allowing for the piece to fully dry prevents the oil from mixing with any water residue that may still be living on a surface from your wipe-down. Imagine that the metal is drinking up the oil—it needs that time to dry in order to drink well.” The mineral oil will actually help protect the copper from oxidation by creating another layer the oxygen will have to work through to get to the copper itself.
Store Properly
If your copper pieces are on display, keep them away from direct sunlight and humidity. Prolonged sun exposure and moisture can speed up tarnishing. For items stored in cabinets, wrapping them with plastic wrap, cloth, or tarnish-free paper can prevent tarnishing.
Get more enjoyment out of your pieces by caring for them often, and before you know it, you’ll be trotting out those freshly polished copper pieces with pride.