I Wear My Red Light Mask While I Meditate

I Wear My Red Light Mask While I Meditate

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Some things in life are all about the timing. The best red light therapy masks, for example, come with instructions recommending 10 minutes of treatment. I enjoy a 10-minute meditation. It’s pretty much a wellness match written in the stars.

Similar to red light therapy (which we will get to shortly), regular meditation is something of a magic trick. Meditation serves to calm your mind and nervous system, alleviating symptoms of depression, improving attention and memory, and lowering blood pressure and cortisol levels. The act forces you into the present moment through mantra and intentional breathing, and it’s basically the key to a better human experience.

It’s also challenging. My reluctance to prioritize a practice that’s proven to make my life better is a topic for another time. But of my multitude of self-care steps, these are the two that demand (or at least suggest) that I sit still. Combining my red light mask moment with my 10-minute meditation makes the act more accessible to me—and it makes my skin pretty.

The Benefits of Red Light Therapy

How does this work, exactly? When used regularly, red light interacts with the skin to stimulate regeneration, healing, and repair of skin cells in support of collagen production and skin elasticity. And it does all of this without damaging the dermis.

“LED light is different from UV light, which is associated with skin cancer and premature and accelerated aging,” says dermatologist Whitney Bowe, MD. “Red LED lights induce changes in the skin through a process known as photo-biomodulation, which doesn’t require injury or trauma.”

Most masks also feature near-infrared waves, which penetrate past the epidermis and dermis to the hypodermis, energizing cells in addition to boosting collagen.

Keep in mind that while these devices leverage light, they should never be hot. Bowe suggests pausing treatment if your skin starts to feel warm, particularly if you’re prone to hyperpigmentation.

Bowe recommends patients use masks regularly (daily or 3 to 4 times a week) for at least 6 weeks to give the device a chance to work, although she notes that firming effects can take up to 3 months to fully appreciate. But in terms of inflammation and redness reduction? You should see those results within a shorter window.

In my world, a red light meditation is the best way to boost both inner and outer glow.

3 Best Red Light Therapy Masks

Full disclosure: I’m a longtime beauty and wellness editor, which means I was able to try these masks for free. While the price points may be prohibitive for some, these offerings are created by brands I trust and are built to last (I’ve used my Omnilux for about three years). Consider the purchase an investment in your skin health as well as an upgrade to your meditation routine.

1. Omnilux Contour Face ($395)

This tried-and-true red light mask is my skincare BFF. The mask is easy to use and I personally saw results within a couple of weeks. As noted above, the mask has remained reliable through years of wear, the battery charge life diminishing only slightly in recent months.

2. CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Face Mask: Series 1 ($380)

This brand is synonymous with state-of-the-art skincare gadgets like this reliable LED mask. While my experience is with the Series 1 mask, CurrentBody now offers a Series 2 version that provides deeper penetration and covers the lips, nose, and area beneath the chin (at a slightly steeper price).

3. Skin Gym LED Pro Light Therapy Mask ($300)

Skin Gym’s new recently released mask is the most affordable on the list. It’s also the only option that offers blue light (used to target bacteria and acne) in addition to red and near-infrared waves. Plus it’s pink!

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