Love Is Blind’s Madison on Her Love Triangle With Meg: ‘Trying To Be a Girl’s Girl Can End up Backfiring’
Meg: After Madison and Alex were official, I started finding out more about Madison’s connection with Mason. It hit me like a mack truck because I was so oblivious to the nature of their connection. I would say that was the lowest point for me in the experience because it caught me off guard and made me realize I may have to walk away from something that was very special to me.
On what viewers didn’t see about the breakup:
Madison: There is a part that’s not shown where Meg comes to me before my breakup with Mason, and she had known that Alex and I made things official, so she knew I was going to break up with Mason. I think she was feeling some type of way about him not breaking up with me first or not choosing her. So she came to me and was just asking about my relationship with him, and I think she was asking if he was saying the same things to both of us. I was already suspicious of him, and then we had that conversation.
When I went into my breakup with him, I think it does come across as I might be stepping on Meg’s toes a little bit, but that was not how I saw it because I didn’t know that she was going to end things with him. I knew that she felt hurt. When I say you might lose both, that was not me being like, she’s going to come in here and break up with you. It’s me being like, Hey, you’ve been telling two girls the same thing, and that has historically just doesn’t work out well for anyone involved.
On how they left the “experiment:”
Meg: I made a promise to myself prior to this experience that if I had a feeling I was someone’s number two or default pick I would walk away. If I was looking for a boyfriend I could have possibly stayed, but I was looking for a husband. I could never enter a marriage knowing I was an option to that person.
On what they would have done differently:
Madison: I can’t change anything. What happened happened, and I do accept that a year later and many therapist appointments later. Would I handle it differently now? Totally. Absolutely, I would, but I don’t watch that back and think, oh, I regret that, or I should have done this. It’s more so…I could do better. But in that moment, I did the best that I could with the four hours of sleep that I had.
Meg: I wish I would have slowed down, taken a breath, talked slower, and painted my toenails. Beyond that, I have no regrets and trust everything that happened was for a reason.
On finding closure with Mason:
Madison: I never needed an explanation from anyone. I ran into Mason a month or two ago, and he did apologize to me, and he was like, everything that is my responsibility, and I fully own that, and I’m sorry that I kind of dragged you through that. That meant so much to me. I didn’t expect that from him, but it meant a lot to me that he just owned it and apologized.
On what surprised them the most in episodes 1-6:
Meg: Oh my god, I was surprised by everything on the show. When I tell you I don’t even remember talking about aliens or conspiracy theories one time, and now that’s my whole personality. Experiencing it first hand, then watching it back knowing it’s put together to be digestible for the public, is very jarring in every way you could imagine.
On how they feel about their journey a year later:
Madison: I think that took me a while to figure out, and a year later I have gotten to just a really good place. The biggest lesson from a situation like this is number one, this isn’t normal. This isn’t a normal thing that people just go through on the daily. There are very few people that can say their worst moments have been televised around the world. So I think that has taught me this radical self-love. I can look at myself in those moments and know that I did the absolute best that I could, and I can accept that version of myself and still love that version of myself.