Meet Lil’ Kim’s Daughter, Royal Reign Jones – The List
With a career spanning decades, Lil’ Kim is known for her work on many hit songs like “Lady Marmalade,” and “Not Tonight.” However, she’s also been in the spotlight for the wrong reasons, like the time she lied to a grand jury to protect friends and was sentenced to jail time in 2005. However, in 2014, she gave birth and it seems like motherhood really changed her perspective on life. In 2020, Lil’ Kim even took to Facebook to share what it’s like to become a mom. In the post, she wrote, “If you are blessed enough to become a mom it is the most beautiful, rewarding feeling in the world. The one thing I was put on this earth to be was Royal’s mom.”
Royal Reign Jones was born on June 9, 2014, to Lil’ Kim and her then-partner, Mr. Papers (Jeremy Neil). Despite the two no longer being together and a messy custody battle, the two reached an amicable agreement and have been co-parenting Royal Reign. Both parents remain very present in Royal’s life and any chance Mr. Papers gets, you’ll spot the rapper posting about his daughter on his Instagram. Mr. Papers isn’t the only proud parent. Lil’ Kim takes every opportunity to show off her girl and her talents in the spotlight. Royal has shared a stage with her mom to flaunt her dance moves and singing, and in 2023, she even made her very first runway debut.
Royal Reign Jones is so much like her famous mom
After Lil’ Kim‘s 2021 Mother’s Day performance, the rapper tweeted that having her daughter on stage with her was “one of the biggest highlights” of her career. That seriously means a lot coming from one of the most famous female rappers. So, of all things, choosing the moment she got to share the stage with her daughter as one of her career highlights shows how much she loves her baby girl.
It’s all the love and support Royal gets that makes her a confident young girl with a ton of pizazz, who seems to enjoy the spotlight. While some celebrities keep their children’s lives private – so private you might not even be aware they’re parents, Lil’ Kim is one of the celeb parents okay with sharing their child’s life with fans. The rapper seems to enjoy it so much that in light of Royal’s recent public appearances, we can’t help but think she may be headed on the same career path as her mom.
Royal is just as proud of her mom as her mom is of her. In a 2019 interview with Access Hollywood, Lil’ Kim shared how her daughter filmed a video and stated she wanted people to know she is “Lil’ Kim’s daughter.” The rapper acknowledged that her daughter was becoming a bit more aware of who her mother is. As a lucky girl, getting to strut on the runway and going on stage to perform with her famous mom, Royal Reign Jones is most definitely aware who her mother is now.