Miele Just Made One Tiny Tweak to Its Pans That Makes So Much Sense (and Solves a Big Cooking Bugbear)

Miele Just Made One Tiny Tweak to Its Pans That Makes So Much Sense (and Solves a Big Cooking Bugbear)

Few things get me as excited as some new cooking gear. Sad? Perhaps, but I know I’m not alone in the childlike sense of joy I feel when opening up a shiny new pot, or better yet, some bizarre-looking appliance that promises to transform my life.

I’m a sucker for anything a little bit different, or outside of the box, and this product has some big promises. Most intriguing to me is that these pots can help prevent smells from spreading, and as someone who lives in a completely open-plan home, this is music to my ears. While there’s a lot to love about my minimal division living situation, I can’t say that falling asleep with the smell of that night’s dinner permeating my bedroom is one of them. And, if these can help me make my favorite meals without lingering smells, then I’m all ears.

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