Optical illusion personality test: Young or old woman? What you see first reveals if you are practical or intuitive - The Times of India

Optical illusion personality test: Young or old woman? What you see first reveals if you are practical or intuitive – The Times of India

Optical illusion personality tests are quite popular among people these days. These are tricky images that act as optical illusions, and hence the name. And, since these images are based on psychology they claim to reveal a person’s innermost thoughts and feelings depending on what they see first in the image.
In this particular image, a person can see a woman. However, at first glance a person can see either a young woman or an old woman in this optical illusion. Based on what catches a person’s attention first, a lot can be revealed about their lesser-known personality traits and how they perceive the world.
To take the test, simply look at the above image and notice what you saw first. Now, read it’s interpretation below:
1. If a young woman caught your attention first…
Then it means that your left brain is dominant than the right, which indicates that you are a logical and practical person. You are detail-oriented, analytical, and critical thinker. Before making any decision, you prefer to think logically and reason well. When it comes to your inter-personal relationships, you communicate directly and clearly which makes it more effective. You also have a good memory, organisational and planning skills– and all these qualities help you succeed at the workplace.
2. If you an old woman caught your attention first…
Then it means that the right side of your brain is dominant over the left, which makes you a creative person. This is reflected in your interest in creative skills like arts, writing, music, innovative thinking, etc. When faced with problems in life, you are more of an intuitive person and you listen to your gut feelings, rather than making logical decisions. However, this approach towards life also makes you a spontaneous person who listens to their heart, than their head. Being emotionally sensitive is another trait that makes you stand apart from others.
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