
Parenting Tips: This Is What Fathers Can Do To Raise Happier Children – News18

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Fathers who joke with their kids raise happier children, says the British Psychology Society. Expert notes how cheerful dads boost their child’s optimism and confidence

Positive father-child interactions foster a sense of security and boost the child’s optimism and confidence. (News18)

Childhood is a cherished period for everyone. The upbringing during this time shapes everything from a child’s behaviour to their future. Fathers who engage with their children through jokes tend to raise happier children compared to others, according to a study by the British Psychology Society.

Why does this happen? Children of fathers who joke around are less likely to feel disheartened by life. Parenting expert Ashita explains that a father’s behaviour significantly influences a child’s disposition. If a father frequently exhibits anger or issues commands over trivial matters, the child may develop poor manners. Conversely, if a father interacts with his child cheerfully and shares jokes, the child feels more at ease. The child often views the father as a role model; seeing their father always smiling teaches them to remain optimistic in life.

Promoting Good Mental Health

Nowadays, many children experience loneliness or depression early on, largely due to their upbringing. A cheerful home environment, where family members converse and joke with each other, contributes to a child’s happiness. In such an atmosphere, the child remains free from tension, as laughter alleviates stress.

Finding Joy In Simplicity

A father’s life is not without challenges. He works diligently outside the home to provide well for his family. Despite numerous worries, he maintains a smile to prevent his family from feeling troubled. He ensures no problems affect the home and finds happiness in small things with his family.

Consequently, when a father remains cheerful, the child learns that happiness does not depend on grand or expensive things.

Boosting Confidence

A happy father often acts as a friend to his child, creating a positive environment that offers the child a sense of security. When the father spends time with the child, their relationship strengthens, and the child becomes comfortable sharing any issues. This positive communication fosters a sense of safety in the child, which in turn boosts their confidence.

Handling Challenging Situations

Life can present situations that may embarrass us. However, children of happy fathers learn to manage such situations effectively. They create a cheerful environment through their interactions, demonstrating how to handle difficult circumstances gracefully.

News lifestyle Parenting Tips: This Is What Fathers Can Do To Raise Happier Children

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