Portable Lamps Are Getting Better and Better, But This Anthro One Might Be My Favorite Yet

Portable Lamps Are Getting Better and Better, But This Anthro One Might Be My Favorite Yet

As a style editor, I’m always looking for home decor that’s not only functional but exciting, too. Thankfully, Anthropologie makes finding that combination really easy. So, while on my daily scroll of the brand’s home decor page, I was stopped dead in my tracks by the Bobbin Lamp. From its bright color to its unique shape and dome shade, how could this stylish little lamp get any better? I’ll tell you — it’s portable and rechargeable.

You might be thinking — aren’t all lamps, in a way, portable? Sure, they can be. But most lamps need to be plugged into an outlet to operate. Once this lamp is charged, it has up to 10 hours of battery life, so you can unplug it and bring it all around your home — from your desk for reading to your patio table for dinner. Its distinctive and playful style will instantly make any room feel that much more exciting.

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