The 10 Most Popular Cat Breeds in the US (Martha’s New Cats Made the List!)
Cats have been cherished, active parts of households since they were first domesticated in Ancient Egypt over 10,000 years ago. But they have only been bred for their particular physical traits since the 1800s. Like their canine counterparts, cats are known for their large number of distinguished breeds, which are differentiated by their size, color, coat, fur pattern, and other defining characteristics.
While all cat breeds are exquisite in their own right, certain breeds have risen in popularity over the centuries due to a variety of factors. Be it for striking coats and coloring or delightfully distinct dispositions, these felines are especially in vogue—so much so that even Martha herself is a fan! We consulted Cat Fanciers Association allbreed judge Teresa Keiger for the CFA’s top breeds in 2024, based on registrations.
Maine Coon Cat
Alexandra Jursova / Getty Images
Known as “the gentle giant” due to their sweet-tempered nature and large size, the Maine Coon cat is one of the best-known and most beloved cat breeds. Typically easy to train and sturdy in build, these long-haired cats are attentive in nature and have a tendency to stay close to their humans.
Other key traits include large eyes, high cheekbones, and their uniquely layered shaggy coat that comes in a variety of colors and patterns, according to Keiger. And have you seen those tufted ears and paws? Heart-melting.
Weiquan Lin / Getty Images
The Ragdoll is another of CFA’s large breeds. It is known for its docile personality, striking markings, and easy-care longhaired coat, which has made it one of the most popular breeds.
The body of the Ragdoll is always lighter in color than the head, legs, and tail due to their unique colorpoint gene, which also adds dramatic white accents to their pointed markings. Affectionate in nature, the Ragdoll makes a loving companion who happens to be exceedingly beautiful to look at. If you love to cuddle, you may have met your match with this adorable cat.
Courtesy of The Martha Blog
“One of our best-known breeds, the Persian, captivates people with its round head, large round eyes, and luxurious coat,” says Keiger. With seven pattern divisions and sizes from medium to large, this breed requires extensive grooming—so it helps that Persians are a laid-back breed and don’t tend to mind being brushed. Heralded as the classic lap cat with a laid-back and sweet demeanor, it is no surprise that the Persian is a favorite of so many, including our very own Martha Stewart.
A long-time lover of Persians, Martha currently houses two cherished cats of this breed. Magnolia was an adoptee from the Bedford Hills, N.Y., non-profit rescue organization Rock n’ Rescue in January of 2025. A month later, Martha scooped up another Persian, Dahila, while on a trip to New Orleans.
Kilito Chan / Getty Images
With a round, flat face and dense coat, this cat gives “fluffy feline teddy bear” vibes, according to the CFA. “A hybrid breed with the Persian as its parent, the Exotic features the Persian body and sweet expression—but has a short plush coat,” explains Keiger.
This breed is especially appealing to those who love the look of a Persian but aren’t able to devote the time necessary for extensive grooming. Peaceful and docile in nature, these sweeties often involve slightly less upkeep than their Persian counterparts.
Devon Rex
insonnia / Getty Images
Keiger refers to The Devon Rex as “one of CFA’s most unique-looking breeds, featuring large ears, high cheekbones, and a triangular head consisting of curves.” Also of note is the breed’s uniquely curly coat. You can expect silliness and intense loyalty from the Devon Rex—just don’t plan on spending a lot of time away from home. But If attachment and playful fun are what you are looking for, the elfin Devon Rex may be the cat for you.
Ziggy Spiz / 500px / Getty Images
Lovingly referred to as the “Aby,” this lively breed wins hearts by its elegant appearance and affectionate nature. “Lithe and muscular, the colorful Abyssinian is friendly and engaging,” states Keiger.
The Abyssinian is thought to be among the oldest of all cat breeds, as well as one of the most intelligent. Its ticked coat can be ruddy, cinnamon, blue, or fawn in color. Equal parts love and curiosity, the energetic Abyssian will curl up on your lap as easily as it will jump off toward its next adventure.
British Shorthair
NiseriN / Getty Images
The British Shorthair is known for its comforting, calm demeanor and offering affection and loyalty to anyone in its sphere. Regarding its regal appearance, “The British Shorthair boasts the densest coat of any of our breeds,” says Keiger. “Large and muscular, people are captivated by its round head, round eyes, and padded muzzle.”
The dense coat is most often blue, but it also comes in other colors. It is luxurious to the touch and easy to care for. Unlike the Abyssian, this teddy bear of a cat prefers to stay close to the ground rather than climb the rafters.
Bob de Graffenried / 500px / Getty Images
Siberians are long-haired and impossibly soft, coming in a wide array of gorgeous colors. They are affectionate, loyal, endlessly curious, following their people from room to room to make sure they don’t miss out on anything. Siberians often prefer to sleep near your head, so get ready to share your pillow—but they are also surprisingly independent.
Their model-good looks and lofty size are additional features that can’t be over-emphasized. ”This heavy, muscular breed features a dense triple coat which would keep it nice and warm in the winter,” points out Keiger, also noting that this breed tends to be “very intelligent and engaging.”
Elena Medoks / Getty Images
There are countless reasons why the Sphinx remains one of the most popular cat breeds. They are energetic, endearing cats with a high level of loyalty to their humans. But most noteworthy is the Sphinx’s unique appearance and hairless body. “Like the Devon Rex, the Sphinx is a spontaneous mutation which breeders worked to preserve,” explains Keiger. “Its body may be covered with a peach-fuzz-like down or be completely hairless, save for the bit of hair on the bridge of the nose.”
A super people-oriented breed, the Sphinx requires a lot of constant care (to ensure that its body is free of excess oil) and loving attention. You can be sure that the Sphinx will return that love in spades.
Russian Blue
Catherine Falls Commercial / Getty Images
Maybe it’s the startling beauty of their coat or those emerald-green eyes, or perhaps it’s their high intelligence that keeps Russian Blue devotees enamored by this breed. Regardless, these cats can be absolutely magnetic. “This highly intelligent breed boasts a dense blue coat which is tipped in silver,” says Keiger. “Its bright green eyes shine from its triangular head consisting of flat planes.”
The Russian Blue, shy when encountering strangers, will form an everlasting bond with its owners, making it an enduring favorite breed among cat enthusiasts.