These Will Be the Most Common Pests in Your Region This Spring and Summer, Entomologists Reveal
Spring’s warm temperatures and longer days are a welcome reprieve from winter weather. But one thing we can all agree that no one is looking forward to? Pests. Unfortunately, a new report from the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) predicts increased pest activity this spring and summer.
NPMA’s bi-annual Bug Barometer is a data-driven look at what people across the country can expect from pest populations in their region of the United States. Expert entomologists analyze weather patterns, long-term forecasts, and pest biology to predict potential rising pest populations, including ticks, mosquitoes, ants, and cockroaches.
According to the report, winter’s extreme weather swings, from record snowfalls to unseasonably warm temperatures, have created the perfect storm for high pest activity. Ahead, we’re sharing a closer look at the report, which breaks pest activity down by the seven major regions across the country.
Courtesy of Pestworld
Northeast and New England
Warm, wet weather is expected to bring an early surge of ants and ticks to the Northeastern U.S. Come summer, there will also be an increase in stinging insects.
Those living in the Southeast experienced a record-breaking winter, but that won’t slow down insect populations in this region. Spring weather will quickly welcome an influx of mosquitos and termites, joined by flies in the summer.
Great Lakes, Ohio Valley, and Midwest
Ticks are expected to emerge earlier than usual in spring across the Great Lakes, Ohio Valley, and Midwest regions of the country. Once summer arrives, heat and humidity will ramp up mosquito, ant, and stinging insect populations.
North Central
The North Central U.S. is relatively dry, which can limit pest populations. However, once rainfall increases, ant and cockroach populations will surge. NPMA also predicts that ticks will show up ahead of schedule due to spring’s early arrival.
South Central
Intermittent rainfall and tropical storms in the South Central U.S. will increase the presence of mosquitoes, which thrive in the standing water left behind by these conditions. Once temperatures rise, the hot and dry conditions of summer will push ants and cockroaches indoors in search of water.
The Intermountain region may experience an early tick season due to warm, wet spring weather. Although rainfall levels will be lower in the Pacific Northwest, this region isn’t immune to pests. NPMA predicts that earwigs and cockroaches will be common inside the home this spring, and possibly through summer.
Those living in the Southwest will experience a few different pest populations because of this region’s varying weather conditions. Spring moisture may increase mosquito activity, while hot and dry summer conditions could encourage ants, cockroaches, and rodents to seek indoor shelter.