This Grass-Like Perennial Is Drought Tolerant And Easy To Maintain
Plant Attributes | |
Common Name: | Platinum Beauty™ Lomandra |
Botanical Name: | Lomandra longifolia ′Roma 13′ |
Family: | Asparagaceae |
Plant Type: | Perennial, herbaceous, evergreen |
Mature Size: | 2-3′ high x 2-3′ wide |
Sun Exposure: | Full sun to part shade |
Soil Type: | Moist, well-draining, |
Soil pH: | Widely adapted |
Bloom Time: | Autumn through spring |
Flower Color: | Yellow |
Hardiness Zones: | 8 to 10 |
Native Area: | Australia |
Toxicity: | None |
Platinum Beauty™ Lomandra Care
Despite its elegant appearance, Platinum Beauty™ Lomandra is a tough plant. It tolerates a range of growing conditions including sandy to clay soils, high heat, coastal conditions, periods of drought, and occasional inundation. This adaptability makes lomandra quite versatile in the landscape. Its dense root system is excellent at stabilizing soils and managing erosion, while the attractive form and foliage make a stunning accent or focal point in borders and containers.
Platinum Beauty™ Lomandra tolerates partial shade to full sun conditions.
The ideal soil conditions are evenly moist, well-draining, sandy loams, however lomandras thrive in a variety of soil types, including sand and heavy clay, so long as they drain well.
Platinum Beauty™ Lomandra is drought tolerant once established but also performs well under regular light irrigation, making it widely adaptable to dry or moist conditions. Plants can also withstand periods of inundation, making them useful in rain gardens.
Temperature And Humidity
Lomandras thrive on heat and perform best in warm climates. Platinum Beauty™ is cold hardy to 10°F but does not tolerate wet conditions in winter. Plants do not tolerate high humidity for long periods of time, as this can encourage foliar diseases.
Apply a balanced, slow-release granular fertilizer annually in spring.
How To Plant Platinum Beauty™ Lomandra In The Ground
Platinum Beauty™ Lomandra is available as a container-grown plant for spring and fall planting. Locate a planting site in full sun to partial shade. Although they tolerate a range of soils, Platinum Beauty™ Lomandra plants require good drainage for healthy development. Amend clay soil with composted organic matter as needed to improve drainage prior to planting. Compost can also be used to improve the water-holding capacity of sandy soil.
Water plants well before transplanting to prevent roots from drying out during the planting process.
Dig a planting hole 2-3 times wider than the container. This allows you to spread the roots out laterally.
Gently remove the plant from its pot and loosen the roots.
Set plants at the same level they are growing in their containers ensuring the entire root system is covered with soil.
Fill the planting hole with soil, pressing the soil down gently with your hand.
Water plants thoroughly and apply 1 to 2 inches of mulch, avoiding the area closest to stem.
Pruning Platinum Beauty™ Lomandra
This grass-like herbaceous evergreen does not require regular pruning to maintain its beautiful form. Damaged or dead leaf blades can be removed by cutting them back to the base with sharp pruners. Remove spent flower spikes by cutting them back to the base of the plant.
How To Get Platinum Beauty™ Lomandra To Bloom
Platinum Beauty™ Lomandra is grown for its foliage, not flowers, however plants do produce spikes of fragrant, creamy yellow flowers from autumn through spring. Flower spikes tend to grow low and remain hidden within the foliage. No special care is needed to promote flowering.
In areas where Platinum Beauty™ Lomandra is winter hardy (USDA Zones 8-10), plants can be overwintered in place in the ground. The evergreen foliage will continue to shine throughout winter, and cool-season blooms will add interesting color and texture. In colder regions, plants need to be brought indoors before the first hard freeze in fall. Store plants in their containers in a cool garage or basement for the winter.
Propagating Platinum Beauty™ Lomandra
Platinum Beauty™ Lomandra is patent-protected and cannot be propagated.
Potting And Repotting Platinum Beauty™ Lomandra
The flowing foliage of Platinum Beauty™ Lomandra looks lovely spilling from containers, adding texture and color to patios and porches all year long. To grow Platinum Beauty™ Lomandra in a container, start by inspecting the root ball of newly purchased plants and select a container that gives plants a little room to grow into, but not too much extra space. When repotting older plants, select a pot that is one to two sizes larger than the current container. Make sure all containers have good drainage.
Provide Platinum Beauty™ Lomandra with a well-draining potting mix designed for containers. Many commercial potting soils contain slow-release fertilizer that will provide all the nutrients lomandra requires for the first season in its new home. Remember that potted plants dry out more quickly than those in the ground. Water containers deeply when the upper two inches of soil feels dry to the touch. Repot Platinum Beauty™ Lomandra when the soil is compacted or overcrowded by roots. You may notice the container can no longer adequate moisture for the roots to absorb.
Common Problems
Platinum Beauty™ Lomandra is not bothered by any major pest or disease problems. Root rot can occur when plants are grown in poorly drained soil. Avoid this my amending soil with compost prior to planting or moving plants in a drier location. Foliage diseases can occur under very humid conditions. These appear as spots or blotches on the leaves. Manage foliar diseases by removing dead foliage and thinning the canopy of plants to increase airflow. Finally, although lomandra is drought tolerant, plants can exhibit signs of water stress such as yellowing or wilting leaves. Address this problem by adjusting irrigation practices.