Transform Your Yard with These 11 Landscaping Projects to Boost Home Value
There are some definite advantages to improving the landscaping around your home. You not only create a nicer place to live, but you may also end up with more money when you sell your home. This is true with outdoor projects as well as home improvements. The question is, which outdoor projects offer the most benefit in terms of satisfaction and return on investment?
The latest report by the National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP) and the National Association of Realtors (NAR) sheds some light on the topic. It focused on why homeowners complete outdoor remodeling projects, their level of satisfaction, and the potential value those projects could bring when selling a home. All totaled, the report pinpointed 11 outdoor landscape projects scoring high in satisfaction and value.
- Lisa Stryker is a spokesperson for the National Association of Landscape Professionals.
- Brandi Snowden is the director of member and consumer survey research for the National Association of Realtors.
Why Landscaping Matters
Curb appeal figures prominently, and 97% of NAR members say they believe it is important in attracting a buyer for residential properties. “You want to make a good impression with your home. That means making sure the yard and landscape are neatly mowed, plants are trimmed, and beds are edged,” says Lisa Stryker, NALP spokesperson. “Adding seasonal color—plants in planters and on the front porch—makes a great first impression. A well-kept yard and neat landscape is always an advantage when selling a home.”
While getting the most bang for the buck can be a compelling goal, Stryker recommends homeowners consider something else. “I wouldn’t go into it with the mindset that it is a financial investment. I’d think of it as a lifestyle investment,” Stryker says. “Think about what is going to bring you the most enjoyment in your outdoor space and focus on that. Do you want to spend more time entertaining family and more space for kids and pets to run, or do you want to create a sanctuary with shade and privacy? Think about how you want to experience your yard, and plan your landscape around how you want to live in your yard.”
Brandi Snowden, NAR’s director of member and consumer survey research, noted the survey also looks at consumer satisfaction after completing a project. “Ranked on a scale of one to 10, the report found that consumers rated all 11 outdoor projects highly, with Joy Scores at 9 or above,” Snowden says.
In descending order from highest to lowest percentage, these 11 outdoor landscape projects brought the best return on investment (ROI) in the 2023 Remodeling Impact Report: Outdoor Features from the NAR Research Group.
Adam Albright
1. Standard Lawn Care Service
For purposes of the report, standard lawn care service was defined as six standard seasonal applications of fertilizer and/or weed control on a 5,000 sq. ft. lawn. The estimated cost was $415 with ROI estimate of $900, or 217% return. “This project adds beauty and aesthetics and has a Joy Score of 9.4 (on a scale of 10),” Snowden says. In addition, 58% of homeowners said they had a greater desire to be home after it was completed.
2. Landscape Maintenance
“Consumers cited doing landscape maintenance to add beauty and aesthetics to their property,” Snowden says. Landscape maintenance includes an annual mulch application, mowing 2,835 square feet of lawn, pruning shrubs, and planting approximately 60 perennials or annuals. The estimated cost of $4,800 had an ROI estimate of $5,000, or 104% return. In addition, 61% of homeowners had a greater desire to be home after completing the project.
Lisa Stryker, NALP
For homeowners trying to save money, doing smaller projects or routine maintenance themselves is a good strategy. If you have a green thumb, taking care of container plants and adding seasonal color are great, lower-cost projects that enhance your outdoor spaces. Leaving tree pruning and plant maintenance and disease care to the pros is also a good strategy.
— Lisa Stryker, NALP
3. Overall Landscape Upgrade
“Fifty percent of consumers who have completed an overall landscape upgrade said that the most important result was adding beauty and aesthetics to their property,” Snowden says. “This project had a Joy Score of 9.7, and 23% of Realtors would recommend this project before selling.”
An overall landscape upgrade includes installation of a natural flagstone front walkway 3 feet wide, 30 feet long; two stone planters each 6 feet long, 2 feet wide; five flowering shrubs; one deciduous 15-foot-tall tree; and bark mulch. The estimated cost of $9,000 had a matching ROI estimate of $9,000, or 100% return. Also noteworthy is that 72% of homeowners had a greater desire to be home after this project was completed.
4. Outdoor Kitchen
“The most important result from adding an outdoor kitchen was that it is durable, has long-lasting results and materials,” Snowden says. “Adding an outdoor kitchen was also a way for consumers to customize their home and add their personal taste.”
An outdoor kitchen project includes installation of one inset grill; stainless steel drawers; ice chest; sink; and 60 square feet of concrete countertops made from veneered masonry stone. The estimated cost of $15,000 had a matching ROI estimate of $15,000, or 100% return. Moreover, 99% of homeowners had a greater desire to be home after completion of the project.
Gabriela Herman
5. New Patio
A new patio—defined as installation of a backyard 18×16-foot concrete paver patio, dry set over compacted gravel and sand base—has an estimated cost of $10,500 and an ROI estimate of $10,000, or 95% return. “A new patio can help improve livability and upgrade worn-out features,” Snowden says. “Consumers who have completed this project also noted having a greater desire to be home and an increased sense of enjoyment when they are home.”
6. New Wood Deck
A new wood deck has almost as much appeal as a new patio. “The Joy Scores for both projects are very close—a new patio had a Joy Score of 9.9, while a new wood deck had a Joy Score of 9.8,” Snowden says. “For both projects, consumers cited the most important result as improved functionality and livability.”
According to the report, a new wood deck consists of a 14×18-foot cedar structure with cedar railing and stair steps, plus pine or fir lattice at the base. The estimated cost of $16,900 had an ROI estimate of $15,000, or 89% return.
7. Tree Care
Tree care, for purposes of the report, includes three applications of tree fertilizer, regular spraying, trimming, and pruning, as well as the removal of one 30-foot-tall tree. The estimated cost is $2,875 with an ROI estimate of $2,500.
“Realtors estimate that tree care can recover 87% of the project cost when selling a home,” Snowden says. “NAR also finds that 44% of Realtors would recommend tree care before selling.”
8. Irrigation System Installation
“Consumers may choose to install an irrigation system for their lawn to improve the aesthetics and beauty of their lawn,” Snowden says. “Consumers who have installed an irrigation system reported a Joy Score of 9.4.” The project includes installation and management of an irrigation system for a 5,000-sq.-ft. lawn with an estimated cost of $6,000 and ROI estimate of $5,000, or 83% return. The report noted that 61% of homeowners had a greater desire to be home after an irrigation system was installed.
9. Landscape Lighting
This project, which includes installation of a standard 600W transformer and 20 LED lights, had a cost estimate of $6,800 and ROI estimate of $4,000, or 59% return. “Consumers who have installed landscape lighting gave the project a Joy Score of 10, making it one of only two projects with a 10 Joy Score,” Snowden says. “Consumers say that the most important result from undertaking this project was for the added beauty and aesthetics. In addition, consumers cited undertaking this project to improve livability and to modernize the space.” Following completion of the project, 61% of homeowners said they had a greater desire to be home.
Laurie Black
10. Fire Feature
A fire feature includes installation of a dry-stacked natural stone kit with gas burner and a 10-foot-diameter flagstone patio. The estimated cost of $9,000 had an ROI estimate of $5,000, or 56% return. “Consumers have cited taking on this project to add features and livability to their home,” Snowden says, adding that 73% of homeowners reported a greater desire to be home after installing a fire feature and 78% said they had an increased sense of enjoyment when at home.
11. In-Ground Pool Addition
This project included installation of an 18×36-foot in-ground pool with gunite walls and 3-7-foot depth; a standard filtration system; and a 3-foot-wide concrete perimeter surround. While the estimated cost estimate of $90,000 had an ROI estimate of $50,000, or 56% return, there were other rewards.
The report noted that 89% of homeowners had a greater desire to be home after adding an in-ground pool. “Ranked on a scale of one to 10, the report found that consumers rated all 11 outdoor projects highly, with Joy Scores at 9 or above,” Snowden says. “An in-ground pool ranked among the two highest of all the projects with a Joy Score of 10.”
If some of the cost estimates in this story are alarming, remember that some projects can be done in stages.