Weekly Horoscope, March 16-22, 2025: Realigning Your Life

Weekly Horoscope, March 16-22, 2025: Realigning Your Life

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There is much taking place in the cosmos this week, including the initiation of larger cycles related to purpose and evolution. Following last week’s lunar eclipse, we find ourselves continuing to navigate eclipse season, where change calls our name. As the Sun conjuncts the north node and Neptune, Aries season and the astrological year begin anew while Venus retrograde transmutes us as we realign with a deeper purpose. Your weekly horoscope for March 16-22, 2025, explains more.

Weekly Horoscope, March 16-22, 2025 Preview

March 17 | Sun Conjunct North Node; Moon Enters Scorpio
March 19 | Neptune Cazimi
March 20 | Sun Enters Aries; Moon Enters Sagittarius
March 22 | Venus Star Point; Moon Enters Capricorn

Sun Conjunct North Node 

The north node—an integral part of each eclipse—is a symbol of evolution, destiny, and soul growth in astrology. As the Sun partners with, or conjunct, the north node in Pisces on March 17, 2025, it attunes our awareness to the essence of inner purpose and direction.

It is an opportunity for each of us to tune into that inner call of evolution, destiny, and soul growth from within. It’s as if we are standing in the perfect position of the cosmos to hear exactly what has been calling out to us, as if our hearts’ guidance is ready to be known. It’s a day of listening and receiving, intuition and insights. Your weekly horoscope can support your understanding.

Neptune Cazimi

Two days later, the intuition and soulful guidance continues as the Sun partners with Neptune on March 19, 2025. Cazimi comes from the Arabic word meaning “in the heart of the Sun,” and occurs when a planet comes together with the Sun in our cosmos. A cazimi offers new beginnings, inspiration, and an amplification of the planet involved.

Neptune is our planet of dreams and imagination, creativity and divinity, sensitivity and mysticism. As it comes into the heart of the Sun this week, we are invited to step into the dreamy world of Neptune, a planet that blurs whatever it touches, adding a haze wherever it moves. While not the most supportive energy for detail-oriented planning, this energy creates a beautiful space to open, listen, and receive insights for ideas and dreams moving forward.

Here we are invited to swim in the imaginal realms of our dreams, sensitize our intuition to inspiration and possibility, and play in the essence of the sacred and oneness. It is a time to tap into intuition and listen to the call of soul—the call that, as we move through eclipse season, is heightened.

(Illustration: Veronika Oliinyk | Getty)

Sun Enters Aries 

As the Sun moves into the fire of the first sign of the zodiac on March 20, 2025, it brings the beginning of Aries season and the astrological year. Although the Gregorian calendar has its own cycles of beginning and ending, the astrological New Year commences with the March equinox and the initiation of Aries season. Welcome to the January 1st of the cosmos.

A season of selfhood, courageous action, and heightened passion, Aries season turns up our desires and inspiration, bringing into focus our direction for this new astrological year. Guided by instinct, Aries reminds us of new beginnings and the inner spark alive within us all—the inner spark guiding us in each moment.

This year’s Aries season weaves into it the addition of reflection, review, and retreat with both Mercury and Venus currently in retrograde. This is a season to tune in and receive. For we are reconnecting with our instinctual knowing of what is for us, and what isn’t. As Mercury and Venus retrograde come to an end in April, the Aries energy of action taking and forward movement based on inner knowing will have greater opportunity to move through us.

Venus Star Point & Cazimi

Every 18 months, Venus moves through a powerful death and rebirth, a transition we can watch unfolding in the cosmos above us beginning this week.

Venus is currently an evening star. We can see her offering a presence and glow to the night sky while retracing her steps in Aries. Currently in a retrograde motion, her movement has begun to slow down and her presence in the skies has begun to fade. According to myth, this is the moment our Venusian goddess is descending into the underworld.

March 22, 2025, brings an important moment for Venus as she comes into cazimi while in Aries. This conjunction marks her point in the journey called the Venus Star Point. In this moment, she is completely invisible from the Earth, marking a symbolic death in which she has surrendered into her transformation and released into a state of emptiness.

After this emptiness Venus will reemerge in our skies on March 26, 2025, as a morning star. The Venus Star Point invites us to an inner cleanse, release, and purification of the heart, mind, and body. It invites us to be still as the heart is recalibrating. And it invites us to release, just like Venus, outdated stories, emotions, patterns, desires, and narratives relating to the heart, love, worthiness, receptivity, and beauty. It is from this release that we meet our emptiness, and it is from a space of emptiness that we can become reborn.

Black and white typewritten quote about life and the weekly horoscope
(Illustration: Unknown)

Weekly Horoscope, March 16-22, 2025 Preview

Consider each movement in the cosmos a mirror for movement within yourself. Within these movements is potential for change, connection, and self-awareness. With each comes an intention, invitation, and potential for expansion.

If you were to meet more of yourself, open yourself to life, and experience greater beauty, fulfillment, purpose, and meaning, how would you connect with these cosmic and inner movements? How would you surrender to the inner and outer experiences sparked by these astrological movements? And how would you create with and trust in your inner experiences and in life itself? Your weekly horoscope helps you understand what this means. Read for your rising sign.

Aries Rising

It’s a week to retreat into yourself. Create space to listen to the silence, to your heart, to the wisdom of your body. There is insight waiting to reveal itself—but only within stillness.

Taurus Rising

This week invites you to remember your ability to reach into the stars, tune into their potential, and be a channel for manifestation. As you continue to dream and desire, open yourself to ideas and inspiration.

Gemini Rising

As you look ahead to the unfolding of your life and what you desire to be your legacy in this world, there is a voice ready to offer insights and guidance. Is this the voice of your inner wisdom, higher self, or of life itself? Or perhaps those voices are one in the same.

Cancer Rising

Allow yourself some space as you move through a recalibration of your fundamental beliefs—the perspectives that hold, guide, and support you as you navigate this world. Contemplate journaling. As you share your questions, curiosities, and confusions with the cosmos, you expand your perspective.

Leo Rising

Transformation awaits. Venus invites you to empty yourself as you let the currents of your emotions carry you into your own depths. There is wisdom there. There is empowerment there. And there is love there. All waiting for your presence. May you surrender into yourself.

Virgo Rising

Intimacy. Vulnerability. Connection. Feeling. This week is of the heart and invites you to move from, feel with, and listen to your heart—its hurts and inspirations, fears and desires. As you bring your energy from your mind to your heart space, insight awaits.

Libra Rising

The vast movements of this week are each happening within your body. Create the space to tune into, connect with, and nourish your body so you can access the wisdom, truth, intuition, and medicine being offered. As Aries season begins, it invites you to both review and celebrate your dearest partnerships.

Scorpio Rising

Keep tuning into the pulse of creation moving through you. Keep surrendering to its expression as you explore how you want to create with it and what brings it to life—and therefore brings you to life. Remember, your life is art. The more you balance play and routine, the more intentional your creation.

Sagittarius Rising

The source of intuition is from within, not without. This week invites you to turn within so that you may meet your intuition and honor the breadth of your own knowing. As Aries season begins, reconnect with play, creativity, expression, and inner freedom.

Capricorn Rising

As your mind continues to expand, you want to also welcome vaster inspiration by releasing expired narratives. Journaling, talk therapy, brainstorming, and intentional self-talk all call your name. As Aries season begins, allow your focus to move from your mind into your emotions and body. Create a home within yourself. Bask in your own frequency.

Aquarius Rising

It’s a week to turn up the volume on your inherent worth. Bring the idea of your worthiness into embodied knowing, letting it occupy each cell, neuron, and space within your body. It’s also a week that initiates a reset of your mind.

Pisces Rising

Imagination is a profound portal for potential. This week invites you to bask in it. Tune into the healing available there, the ideas and inspirations, the images and dreams. As you do so, allow your sense of self to expand and realign even as you allow a sense of embodied self-worth and inner value to exist within.

Learn More About Astrology’s Effect on You

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