Weekly Horoscope, March 23-29, 2025: Dancing Toward Your Destiny
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It’s a week of insights and surrender, openings and inspiration. There are two primary zodiac influences present—Aries and Pisces. As both Mercury and Venus retrograde surrender themselves to Pisces, Mercury meets its cazimi and a solar eclipse stuns us in Aries. This week is the astrological threshold between beginnings and endings, openings and closures, surrender and initiation. As the planets dance across this threshold, so do we. Your weekly horoscope for March 23-29, 2025, asks you to redefine yourself in light of what you’re being shown.
Weekly Horoscope, March 23-29, 2025 Preview
March 24 | Mercury Cazimi in Aries; Moon Enters Aquarius
March 26 | Moon Enters Pisces
March 27 | Venus Retrograde Enters Pisces
March 28 | Moon Enters Aries
March 29 | Mercury Retrograde Enters Pisces + New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces
Mercury Cazimi in Aries
On March 24, 2025, the Sun and Mercury meet in our cosmos in the zodiac sign of Aries. Astrologically, a cazimi is the near meeting of the Sun and a planet and is understood to bring awareness, insight, inspiration, and rebirth to the planet in question.
With Mercury in retrograde at the time of its cazimi, these insights become more personal. They are intimate knowings from within that are ready to make their way into our awareness. They are inspirations that have been waiting until we had the space to receive them. They are truths that, on this day, are ready to be awakened, integrated, and experienced.
This week’s cazimi also brings Mercury the closest to Earth—and, therefore, to us—that it can be. On this day, its characteristics becomes more available. It is the oracle, scribe, and messenger of the cosmos, the planet shaping our thoughts and mental reality. Listen for quiet insights related to desire, confidence, courage, and new beginnings.
Venus Retrograde Enters Pisces
Venus has been in her perceived backward spin, which began in the fires of Aries, since March 1, 2025. This week, she reimmerses herself in the sacred waters of Pisces on March 27, 2025, where she will continue her retrograde until April 12, 2025.
While in Aries, Venus retrograde was inviting us to review our selfhood, desires, life force, ambition, and relationship with action. In Pisces, her energy quiets. It takes on a more emotional, introspective, and spiritual quality.
As Venus retrogrades in Pisces throughout these coming weeks, it is a deep surrender into our hearts so that we may review the spaces, memories, fears, and patterns relating to love, connection, worthiness, beauty, and creativity. It’s a retrograde of compassion, forgiveness, and release. We are unravelling past hurts relating to love, releasing heaviness, and rewriting narratives that keep us from our innate worth. If we create the space to listen, we will be shown reminders of our own beauty and the beauty of life itself.
Mercury Retrograde Enters Pisces
Just two days after Venus retrograde steps back into Pisces, Mercury follows suit. Mercury began its retrograde recently on March 15, 2025, and will enter Pisces on March 29, 2025, where it will continue this reverse motion until April 7, 2025. Ruling themes of the mind, including our thoughts and communications, Mercury retrograde through Pisces means we are reviewing both the contents of our unconscious thinking and emotions as well as the heights of our inspirations and intuition.
In astrology, Pisces is the realm of the unseen. It is the spaces within and beyond us that speak through symbols, intuition, and feeling. It communicates through imagination, inspiration, and dreams—both daytime and nighttime. It is a direct line of communication to the spiritual dimensions of life. As Mercury immerses itself in Pisces throughout its retrograde, we are in communication with our unconscious and our minds become less about linear thought and instead are largely colored with subjective feeling.
Throughout this time, we are inward reviewing, we are in our feeling nature, and we are in a long release of mental patterns, coming home to ourselves in the process.

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries
This week brings our second eclipse of the season—this time a solar eclipse meeting us on the new Moon in Aries on March 29, 2025. Eclipses generally meet us four times a year and act as profound catalysts and openings for our way ahead. They interrupt patterns and introduce choices. They collapse time and bring future potential into the now. And they speak to an inner sense of purpose and direction, fulfillment and destiny by drawing out what has always been within us. They invite us to feel, listen, and trust the inner call desiring to be expressed through us.
As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries births new life and is led by passion, desire, inspiration, and action. Influencing the solar eclipse, Aries heightens the voice of knowing within us. The voice that acts as a compass, showing us our way forward, clarifying our “no,” and heightening our “yes.” The voice that communicates through gut feelings, flashes of inspiration. These sparks create profound inspiration, creativity, and an impulse of rebirth and passion within our bodies, minds, and beyond.
It is listening that our weekly horoscope invites you into under this solar eclipse. Our inner knowing is speaking. Our desires are speaking. Our bodies are speaking. And they are all offering us direction.

Weekly Horoscope, March 23-29, 2025
While Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, Pisces is the last At this time, we are both closing and opening, reviewing all that has brought us to this moment and looking toward the future. In the midst of this dance, we are being asked to observe, listen, feel, and take note. It is through reviewing our past and observing what exists within that we will ultimately create a stronger foundation for the creation of the new beginnings calling our name. Your weekly horoscope explores how to hold onto your rhythm.
Aries Rising
As the beginning of the week brings personal insights and desires into your awareness, what follows is a rebirth of self. Immerse yourself in whatever is sacred to you and surrender into silence. It is from this place that you will begin again.
Taurus Rising
Intuition, inspiration, dreaming, and imagination. Create space to listen in the silence and connect with the spiritual this week, for it is here that you will find yourself journeying into the heart of your aspirations and dreams by reviewing and exploring what it really is that you desire for your life.
Gemini Rising
This week offers insights around your hopes and dreams as you lean into potential and question your narratives that relate to what is possible for you. It’s a space of inward reflection and broader thinking as Mercury and Venus retrograde simultaneously ask you to review and reconnect with your long-term visions, impact, career, and legacy.
Cancer Rising
It’s a week asking that you open your heart and mind to inspiration, inner guidance, and new beginnings as relates to your career and legacy. Where do you want to go? What do you want to build? As Mercury and Venus retrograde through Pisces, they invite you to review your cosmology and reflect on your beliefs.
Leo Rising
It’s a week of imagination and transformation, review and surrender, inspiration and empowerment. While the Mercury cazimi and solar eclipse inspire vaster thinking and access to higher wisdom for your path ahead, Mercury and Venus retrograde invite you into the underworld of your emotions where healing and transformation of your past await.
Virgo Rising
The voice of your unconscious is speaking this week. As is your body, your emotions, and your underworld, bringing forth stirring and movement, insight and reconnection. As Mercury and Venus retrograde in Pisces, they ask you to observe the patterns and dynamics alive within your close relationships.
Libra Rising
Your weekly horoscope invites you to reflect on your partnerships, close relationships, and yourself in these spaces. To review what your heart desires when it comes to love and connection and, at the same time, observe how you can best tend to your own needs and well-being.
Scorpio Rising
Tune into your daily rhythms. The way you move through your routines and habits, items and actions in your day. As you clarify your intentions and priorities and find your momentum through your rhythms, greater reserves of creativity and happiness will call your name.
Sagittarius Rising
Self-expression is calling your name. The days to come are a space to give name to the creative forces wanting to flow through you. A space to reconnect with your life force and unique essence. And it is a week are asking you to tend to the emotions and desires of a younger version of you.
Capricorn Rising
Your emotions are speaking this week. While a restructuring of your inner world takes place, there is simultaneously a review and cleansing of all that lives within your mind— narratives, perspectives, and old thought forms—so you can reconnect to your intuition and clarify your ideas.
Aquarius Rising
Your mind is a funnel. A channel for vaster consciousness, ideas, and cosmic perspectives. View it as such, and welcome the ideas that are yours to move forward with. As Mercury and Venus retrograde in Pisces, they invite you to reflect on your relationship with worthiness, money, and security.
Pisces Rising
You’re ready to navigate life from your inherent worthiness. This is where your value is no longer a question or idea. Rather, your reality is where the right ideas and opportunities are magnetized to you. As Mercury and Venus enter your sign, they ask you to reconsider your identity—there is more of you unfolding.