Weekly Horoscope, March 30-April 5, 2025:
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As the calendar months change, the week brings one of our biggest astrological events of the year. Neptune enters Aries and begins a new 165-year cycle, drawing you toward your destiny. A couple days later, Venus and the north node come together in Pisces, and bring not just personal evolution but change to the collective at large. There is a profound release being initiated. Your weekly horoscope helps you navigate the changes within and without.
Weekly Horoscope, March 30-April 5, 2025 Preview
March 30 | Neptune Enters Aries; Moon Enters Taurus
April 1 | Moon Enters Gemini
April 2 | Venus Conjunct North Node
April 3 | Moon Enters Cancer
Neptune in Aries
As March comes to its end, a new astrological era begins, one filled with era-defining cosmic shifts. We start with the movement of Neptune into Aries. Because Neptune remains in each sign for approximately 14 years, it takes 165 years to move through the entire zodiac. Each time it shifts into a new sign, it enters a realm of experience that humanity has not experienced for more than one and a half centuries.
The planet defines inspiration and sacredness, oneness and creativity. It becomes a doorway for each of us to remember the sacred and softens whatever it touches by blurring the outer so that we may remember the inner. In what may initially seem vastly different, Aries represents selfhood. It imbues individual desire, courage, and action. It exists as enthusiasm, new beginnings, and a rebirth of self.
As these two archetypal forces meet on March 30, 2025, they weave shapelessness into form, possibility into action, and imagination into manifestation. Here we witness the spiritualization of self—an expanded understanding of our desires, inspirations, passions, courage, and pursuits as expressions of the sacred.
Neptune will retrograde back into Pisces on October 22, 2025, before reentering the fire sign on January 26, 2026, and remaining there until March 2039.
Venus Conjunct North Node
We have been immersed in Pisces, the final sign of the zodiac, since January. This week is no different as Venus and the north node come together in Piscean waters where the essence of creation, intuition, and sacredness continues to dance within each of us.
In astrology, Venus is self-worth, beauty, and love. She reveals herself to us through each of our relationships—with ourselves, other people, the earth, abundance, creativity. The planet’s current retrograde in Pisces prompts the aspects of ourselves represented by Venus to turn inward instead of outwardly facing the world.
The north node is an esoteric point associated with destiny, evolution, and soul growth. It is our direction, fulfillment, and healing. It is where we are moving collectively as well as individually.
As Venus comes together with the north node in Pisces on April 2, 2025, it is an invitation to tune inward and tend to the innate wisdom of our hearts. With Venus in retrograde, it also prompts an energetic and emotional review of all that we have accumulated in our heart space. This day acts as a portal for releasing patterns of hurt and lack as well as relational dynamics and emotions that were never ours. We’re releasing whatever keeps us from accessing our own wisdom, from letting love move through us, and from connecting to our own beauty.

Weekly Horoscope, March 30-April 5, 2025
The nature of Neptune is subtle, so entering Aries will not come with a bang. Rather, it will reveal itself over the next few months by inspiring desires, asking for courage, and drawing you closer to whatever you consider sacred. Venus and the north node coming together may feel more noticeable, so allow space for yourself to release emotions and open to what’s new.
Much of what you are working with this week is unconscious, less obvious, and subtle. Create space for this. Give the parts of yourself that are changing space to make the dance smoother on your mind, body, nervous system, and beyond. Observe as your sense of self, identity, and very life force experience a rebirth. Your weekly horoscope explains how to create ethat space. Read for your rising sign.
Aries Rising
As Neptune enters your sign, allow your sense of identity to be flexible and mutable. And as Venus and the north node connect in our skies, trust in the emotional release that is happening beyond the surface of your consciousness. As things change, surrender to the unknown for it is there that clarity is found.
Taurus Rising
Neptune in Aries draws you toward inner listening, surrender, imagination, and communion with the unseen. There is wisdom, beauty, and guidance waiting for you beneath the surface. Consider the truest hopes in your heart and bringing healing to any fears that are attached to them.
Gemini Rising
You are a channel for inspiration, potential, imagination, ideas, and possibilities. Neptune in Aries heightens this truth and sensitizes your intuition. Your weekly horoscope simultaneously asks you to release any hurts or fears relating to your long-term visions and goals.
Cancer Rising
As you look ahead toward your future, you might find your story shifting and asking for your surrender and trust. When Neptune enters Aries, you begin your rewrite. As Venus and the North Node come together, silence your mind and clear your thoughts so you can hear life, wisdom, and the cosmos speaking to you.
Leo Rising
Neptune in Aries welcomes you to a new archetypal journey—that of seeker. Allow yourself to peel back layers, peer into the unknown, converse with wisdom, and let your perspectives evolve and expand. This week, it is the mysteries of your own depths, emotions, and inner powers that are calling.
Virgo Rising
This new era of Neptune in Aries supports the sort of inner exploration where you find all of existence within you. Here you will discern your gateway to the sacred. Bring awareness to your heart as you invite healing to relationship dynamics and experiences.
Libra Rising
It’s a season of spirituality for you. A season of observing everything outside of the self as, simply yet profoundly, a mirror to everything within you. That includes the sacred. Create moments of silence and inner listening as you offer your presence and compassion this week.
Scorpio Rising
Creativity, imagination, and inspiration are asking to move through your body and your days. How can you create space for them? Embrace whatever brings you happiness in the moment. This is what also unravels and liberates your heart space.
Sagittarius Rising
Come into your heart. What lives within that desires to be expressed without? What message, emotion, joy, fear, hurts, and passions are asking to be channeled into your action, creations, and art? This is a time to find pleasure through expression.
Capricorn Rising
You are your own sacred sanctuary. As you return to yourself as your home base—your inner world, emotions, inner child— you find that profound inspiration and creativity awaits. This week is all about emotional connection and narrative rewriting, heart tending and dream visioning, expansive feeling and mental rearranging.
Aquarius Rising
The duration of Neptune in Aries brings an intuitive yet courageous energy to your mind. Observe the ideas and desires that come from your consciousness. This is your guidance. As Venus conjuncts the north node, consider it your healing space to remember and embody your worth.
Pisces Rising
Your worth is innate. Neptune in Aries is a space to come into relationship with this truth as you explore themes of money, desire, security, and value. As Venus retrograde and the north node come together in your sign, lean into your intuition, for it has wisdom to share.
Learn More About Astrology’s Effect on You
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You’ll also learn how to cultivate a more nuanced understanding of the sometimes subtle, sometimes not-so-subtle, effect of Moon, Sun, and planets with our archive content:
What March’s Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Aries Means for You
How the Moon Influences Your Moods
What Your Sun Sign Says (And Doesn’t Say) About You
These Are the Planets Currently in Retrograde