What's The Difference Between Instant Coffee And Ground Coffee?

What’s The Difference Between Instant Coffee And Ground Coffee?

Whether you’re a daily drinker or an occasional sipper, coffee lovers have strong opinions on their brew. While instant coffee had a bad rap, the powdered drink has become popular again with new brands and technology. So, how does it differ from a canister of ground Folgers or Starbucks? We’ll discuss the main differences between the two types of coffee and answer the most commonly asked questions. 

Food Stylist: Torie Cox

What Is Instant Coffee?

Made from coffee beans, instant coffee goes through the same brewing process as ground coffee (beans are ground, brewed with hot water in a large vat), just on a much larger scale. The brew is concentrated and dried into coffee crystals through freeze-drying or spray-drying.  

Powdered brown flakes might seem unappealing or uncommon on breakfast tables here, but in Europe and Latin America, instant coffee is beloved. 

What Is Ground Coffee?

Most java lovers are familiar with ground coffee: roasted coffee beans that have been ground for use in a coffee machine. While you can always grind whole beans at home, ground coffee is convenient for everyday use. 

Food Stylist: Torie Cox

4 Differences Between The Two Types

While instant and ground will both brew into a delicious cup of coffee (more on flavor below), there are some major differences between the two, including the time required to brew a cup, the equipment necessary (or lack thereof), and the shelf-life. Of course, we also must talk about the flavor and whether instant coffee is as good as ground. 


  • As the name suggests, instant coffee is ready in an instant. Scoop some granules into a cup, boil the water, and enjoy. If you’re pressed for time, instant is certainly the way to go. 
  • Ground coffee can sometimes take 10 to 15 minutes to brew, depending on the quantity of coffee you’re making or the brewing style. While not an enormous difference, those extra minutes sometimes count in the morning rush. 


  • Another major difference between the two types of coffee is that instant coffee doesn’t require any equipment to brew it. If you’ve ever experienced a power outage or gone camping, you know it’s impossible to brew ground coffee without electricity. Since instant coffee has already undergone brewing, a little hot (or cold) water is all it takes for a cup of joe. 
  • Ground coffee requires equipment to brew and enjoy the beans, for example, a French press, Mokka pot, Chemex, or drip coffee maker.


  • Technically, coffee never goes bad, so you don’t have to worry that brewing an old bag of beans will make you sick. Instead, coffee goes stale, losing flavor as the weeks progress. Unopened, ground coffee will maintain its flavors for one year. Once opened, coffee loses flavor after two weeks and is best enjoyed within six months. 
  • Instant coffee can last up to two years, sealed, and six months once opened. 


  • Gone are the days when instant was synonymous with weak coffee, bitter and astringent, and mainly made with Robusta beans instead of the preferred arabica. You can find instant coffees equal in flavor to ground coffee at the grocery store or online. Technological innovations and up-and-coming brands are creating products sourced with single-origin beans roasted in various styles, from medium to espresso. 
  • Just like ground coffee, look at the label to be sure what you’re buying. Some instant coffee is made with Robusta beans, which can be a bit bitter. The drying process can cause instant coffee to be a little acidic; look for freeze-dried instead of spray-dried. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does Instant Coffee Have As Much Caffeine As Regular Coffee?

    Instant coffee contains less caffeine than ground coffee, with an average of 30-90 mg of caffeine in a cup of instant compared to 70-140 mg in a cup of ground coffee. Instant coffee may be a great choice for folks looking to moderate their caffeine intake or sensitive to caffeine. 

  • What Should I Use Instant Coffee For?

    Instant coffee is a convenient choice for folks who are traveling or have limited time. Keep instant coffee on hand for camping trips, in case of power outages or other emergencies, and even as a handy shortcut when traveling. In baking and cooking, instant coffee adds depth of flavor without added liquid. 

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