Why Is My Christmas Cactus Turning Purple? 4 Care Mistakes That Can Harm Your Plant — And How You Can Fix It

Why Is My Christmas Cactus Turning Purple? 4 Care Mistakes That Can Harm Your Plant — And How You Can Fix It

A Christmas cactus’ classic colorway includes gorgeous green stems and eye-catching colors cloaked in shades of red, white, pink, and orange. But when you start to spot a purple tinge infecting your houseplant, it’s not wrong to assume that something is not quite right. And while giving up on your Christmas cactus, may seem like the only option available, that’s far from true.

So instead of throwing your plant away, we recommend playing doctor and adjusting your Christmas cactus care routine as needed. But of course, you can’t go into aiding your plant without the necessary knowledge. This is where we come in along with some ace seasoned houseplant professionals.

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