Your Horoscope for the Week Ahead

Your Horoscope for the Week Ahead

Your weekly horoscope is here. This week builds to a zappy solar eclipse, bookending the two-week “eclipse tunnel”—resetting with the new moon in warrior Aries, the sign of ambitious new beginnings. Take a decisive approach with a final no, so you can proclaim an enthusiastic, yes! — to what you want. Well, as final as you can be during a Mercury (and Venus!) retrograde, that is. If you’re discovering work or items that need a redo, get to it. If you’re backtracking on something you blitzed past, this is the time for it, including scooping up a bargain—just make sure it has a return policy. As Venus and Mercury backtrack into dreamy Pisces later in the week, it’s a return to romance, memory lane, and a touch of fantasy. Artistic and mystic pursuits are best, so nail your creative or meditation routine and revisit your inner voice. Communication and relationships aren’t crystal clear, so double-check and confirm everything; make no assumptions over this period.

Read on to discover what’s in store for your sign during the week of March 23 through March 29, 2025.

Aries (March 21–April 19)

It’s a lot as Venus and Mercury continue to retrograde in your sign, so redo or course-correct where necessary. Relationships, aesthetics, perhaps a crush, and communication reach way back as both planets backtrack out of your sign into Pisces. They’ll be back with messages or people from the deep past! Enjoy the trip down memory lane and bring back only what’s helpful on your journey forward. You’re in the zap zone as Saturday’s new moon, featuring a solar eclipse, is in Aries. Note what comes up for you this week in terms of letting something go, or a fresh start and new direction. Reflect rather than react, if you’re feeling the intensity. Use it to power you toward a goal, and make sure you stick around long enough to enjoy the fruits of your labor!

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Image may contain Animal Bull Mammal Cattle Cow and Livestock

If ever there was a time to take up journaling and see what arises from the depths, now would be it. That’s inclusive of your dreams or whatever fragments you can coax onto the page upon waking. As you write, meaning or understanding will begin to reveal itself. Keep writing, get closer to the feeling, the texture, the colors, the snippets. We have many levels we operate in, and balance comes from attending to them—even if they’re not the most material of pursuits or outcomes, they’re still necessary. A solar eclipse on Saturday’s new moon is the perfect reminder as it resets in your sphere of liminal spaces like dreams and our connection to collective consciousness. Resetting your path, the way you tune in or out, are all up for fresh take. Keep it healthy, sustainable, and energizing. Also, get plenty of rest this week with as many cat naps as you feel inclined to enjoy.

Gemini (May 21–June 21)

Image may contain Animal Bird and Swan

Gemini themes continue to present with twinning in AI and robotics, so keep up with the Joneses and find your match, because two is better than one this year. You’re the sign of communication and a hub of connectivity and information at the best of times; capitalize on your natural assets and interests. Don’t overthink it—often opportunity is hidden in plain sight, in those ideas so obvious people completely overlook them. Venus then Mercury retrograde back into your career and public-image sector for a second chance at course correction. Bring your creativity, your empathy, or a mystic dimension to what you’re doing, even if that’s mindfulness breaks or introducing something else to humanize the environment. It’s all about those vital soft skills, not just hard data. A solar eclipse in your social sphere suggests a decisive reset and perhaps a fresh start with a group, club, or enterprise; try something new.

Cancer (June 22–July 22)

Image may contain Food Seafood Animal Crab Invertebrate Sea Life and Plate

Your career and public-image sector get the eclipse treatment as a hard reset accompanies the new moon on Saturday. Category is: fresh starts. Sometimes you have to know when to hit eject, as well as reboot! If you’re ready to thrive with a new challenge, this is your sign to make a change, pitch your idea, or throw a bone to someone coming up behind you who you could mentor. Leadership, independence, and autonomy are all highlighted, so consider where and how you may benefit from bringing more of these traits into your professional profile and experience. This is a challenge to your comfort-loving sign; however, once you embrace the change you truly desire, you’ll be in your element. Take time to research and discuss your options as Venus and Mercury are still retrograde.

Leo (July 23–August 22)

Image may contain Animal Lion Mammal and Wildlife

Reconfigure your travel, study, or world-domination dream as an eclipse hits a hard reset on Saturday. Associated themes may build up over the week, so keep abreast of your inner tides and external signs. In sister fire sign Aries, you’re in a great position to catch a ride on its cosmic wave; align with your vision. What do you need to do to get your message or brand out there, if that’s your thing? You haven’t missed the boat, just get your strategy ready to go and roll it out once Mercury and Venus pull out of their current retrograde. Since they’re both backtracking into your sphere of others’ resources, consider how you may find mutual benefit through a larger entity you have connections to, currently work for, or would like to. Revisiting an intimate connection or agreement over shared assets is timely; address issues and create opportunities to connect deeper.

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

Image may contain Plate Animal Butterfly Insect Invertebrate and Monarch

Intimacy and all things deep, hidden, and psychological benefit from the hard reset and reboot promised by this Saturday’s new-moon solar eclipse. Take a direct and sharp look at the lay of the subterranean land of your shared inner worlds (or cold, hard shared assets). Where could you benefit from resetting your rules of engagement rather than enrage-ment? On the other hand, this might be your decisive moment on what you want and don’t want in a relationship. As Venus and Mercury backtrack into your sphere of one-on-one connections, this is doubly true. Rehash what you want, how you want it, and with whom. What do you want to experience in terms of independence and merging? Find the balance that’s right for you.

Libra (September 23–October 23)

Image may contain Plate Flower and Plant

Since your one-to-one sphere of equal relationships is activated by this Saturday’s new-moon solar eclipse, make sure they’re just that— equal. How might you go about tipping the scales so you get to enjoy mutually beneficial and amplifying connections, whether that’s with a collaborator, bestie, or bae? Don’t be surprised if someone’s looking for a dust-up; thrash out any issue so you can figure out what needs a hard reset, and don’t look back. This is an entrepreneurial and ambitious climate, so the right collaborator is an asset as long as you have your agency and independence. Mercury and Venus retrograde back into your work and wellness zone; bring in that mindfulness, tenderness, and self-care. Aromatic oils, a vaporizer, and lunchtime guided meditation will help recharge your energy. Build it into your routine.

Scorpio (October 24–November 21)

Image may contain Animal Insect and Invertebrate

If your work and wellness environment or routines could do with an overhaul, this is your sign. Saturday’s new-moon solar eclipse corresponds with a hard reset; take the lead and make desired changes yourself rather than waiting for something to happen. In this initiating, take-charge atmosphere, fortune favors the bold. Energy makes more energy, so tend to your fitness if you haven’t already. Since sitting is the new smoking, get moving or lead others into activity. Having everything at our fingertips via a screen may be handy, but it’s not what we’re designed for. Even if it’s a regular neck stretch, brisk walk around the block, or adding movement in before and after work, get the job done. Where are you ready to start fresh, fab, and furious? Just do it.

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Image may contain Plate Clock Analog Clock and Wall Clock

How are you utilizing your leisure time? With a solar eclipse accompanying the new moon on Saturday, this sphere is activated and ready for a reset. Perhaps picking up a physical activity, activating a personal project that inspires you, or getting out on the dating scene sparks joy. Whatever it is, be sure it’s exciting enough to energize you. A personal challenge will light your fire, and if you have a clear goal, you’re more likely to hit your target rather than veer off course. Eclipses correlate with definitive endings, new beginnings, and tidal turns of fate and fortune. Call in your desired destiny and be open to the universe serving up what you need, not just what you want. If you have a vision, it starts with you, so get cracking. Venus and Mercury backtracking into your domestic sphere suggest you could benefit from recalibrating through some yin to balance your yang. Find a guided meditation you can do daily, or tune out through creativity.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Image may contain Animal Antelope Mammal and Wildlife

The moon continues shining in your sign through to Monday,  so if you’re getting ahead on work, no one will blame you. Get organized, flex your authority, or take care of business. Check in with your feelings and set an intention around your emotional life for this next personal lunar cycle. Speaking of which, Saturday’s new moon features an eclipse—be kind to yourself and keep listening to your inner intelligence. This one sets up a challenge around fresh stars, taking action, and getting off the beaten track of that well-researched and executed plan. Sometimes you may need to go off plan when the occasion arises. Mercury and Venus backtrack into your local social sphere so you may need to revisit your favorite haunts, pick up that online course you left hanging, or open up to that person serving you coffee every day.

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Image may contain Jug Water Jug Plate and Pottery

As La Luna rolls through Aquarius Monday through Wednesday, keep it social and active. Try a run (or walk) club, book club, or other community event that gets you circulating. A solar eclipse accompanies Saturday’s new moon, bringing a slightly dramatic or impulsive turn. You may reneg on a new commitment or direction, so don’t make any binding decisions right now. Stay open to what-ifs and new information. Others around you may pick up this one, which means you’ll you experience it as a bystander. That said, perhaps a little erratic behavior is on brand for Aquarius! Venus and Mercury retrograde back into your sphere of resources and income, so what could do with a second look? Income through empathy, the arts, or spirituality are all favoured. Or you may pick up an item or service supporting your pursuit of them. Crystal singing bowl anyone?

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Image may contain Animal Fish Sea Life Carp and Koi

Venus slips back into your sign on Thursday, followed by Mercury on Saturday—revisit aesthetics, relationships, and comms. If you thought something or someone was done and dusted, think again—reprise! Consider the message or backtrack as an opportunity. What might you take forward? Or on the other hand, what may be laid to rest that wasn’t completely dealt with the first time around? If you need to redo something that wasn’t well done the first time, that’s what the retrograde period is for; make the most of it. An eclipse on Saturday suggests it’s not the best new moon phase to set intentions on, so let go and let goddess. In your area of finance and values, note what feelings or realizations come up with the lunar and solar lights turned down.

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