6 Things I Wish I'd Known Before Shopping At ALDI For The First Time

6 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Shopping At ALDI For The First Time

Despite hearing all about it from friends, colleagues, and on social media, I’d never had the opportunity to shop at an ALDI until a recent visit to see family in Northwest Florida. As far as I was concerned, I had a pretty good idea of what to expect when I pulled into the parking lot last week: a quarter to use a shopping cart, low prices, and a treasure-filled middle aisle. Easy peasy! 

Well, not exactly. It turns out that I wasn’t fully prepared for my first ALDI shopping experience after all. While I was thrilled by the savings, the efficiency, and the options, I did experience some surprises. Here are six things I wish I knew about shopping at ALDI ahead of time. 

The Carts Are Tethered To Each Other

I knew that a quarter is required to use a shopping cart, but I hadn’t given much thought to how exactly that might work. In retrospect, it’s painfully obvious that there would be something keeping the carts in place. But for some reason, I was stumped. I inserted my quarter in the slot on the handle of the first cart, but nothing happened. I pushed harder on my quarter and tugged on my cart. Still, nothing happened. I pushed again and again as a small line formed behind me. Taking a moment to breathe, I stared at the chain tethering the shopping cars together. For some reason, I thought it would magically disengage when I inserted my quarter, but that was not the case. So, I did what any frustrated person would do: I tugged on the tether. My cart was finally free.

There is nothing automated about this seemingly fancy process. After inserting a quarter, simply pull on the tether holding your cart to the cart behind to release yours. 

The Stores Are Small

I was immediately struck by how small the operation was. I’m used to wandering cavernous grocery stores, so it was strange to be able to take everything in at once. But with ALDI’s small footprint I could see nearly everything there was to see from the entrance. It made it feel a lot less intimidating and made for a quicker shopping trip.

There Is No Music

Music isn’t played in ALDI stores, which meant there was a bit of a hush. At first, because I’m not used to it, shopping in relative silence felt eerie. But I acclimated quickly and I actually think it helped me focus on the task at hand.

 ALDI Carries Mostly Its Own Brands

I knew going in that the aisles would be filled with ALDI brands, I just didn’t expect them to be so dominant. While there are popular name brands available, most of the products were unfamiliar to me. 

There’s A Unique Cart System At Checkout

Don’t get too attached to the quarter you put in your shopping cart at the start of your trip. While you will get a quarter back when you’re done, it will have originally belonged to the person ahead of you in the checkout line. Why? Like all things ALDI, it comes down to efficiency. Because there is no extra counter space surrounding the cash registers, ALDI cashiers load purchases directly into an empty cart taken from the previous shopper. Your cart will subsequently go to the next person in line, and the process repeats. It feels odd at first, but this prevents bottlenecks and keeps the line moving quickly. Trust the process. 

You’re On Your Own When It Comes To Bags And Bagging

The company eliminated plastic bags at all U.S. stores in 2023. If, like me, you forget to bring a bag (or box), you can purchase brown paper bags or reusable totes. 

In the interest of efficiency, ALDI cashiers put your items into an empty shopping cart without bagging or boxing. After you pay, push your cart immediately to the large counter opposite the registers. Here you can leisurely bag groceries yourself before leaving the store.

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